Attributes | Values |
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| - Invocation
- Invocation
- Invocation
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- User can gain control over the targets (living or unliving) by using names or phrases to manipulate a person or the universe itself, their words provides them with control over who and what they desire to manipulate.
- Jutsu dérivés Jutsu associés Jutsu relatifs Utilisateurs InvocationLa est un ninjutsu spatio-temporel permettant à l'utilisateur de faire venir instantanément à lui des animaux ou des personnes au prix d'un peu de sang et en insufflant du chakra.
- Invocations are spell-like abilities used by the Warlock. They rely on the Charisma attribute. Invocations have somatic and occasionally verbal components. Like the eldritch blast, they can be used an unlimited times per day.
- "Invocation" is the opening song of The Carpenters' debut album, Ticket to Ride. It was written by Richard Carpenter and John Bettis. The song is purely vocal a-cappella, and was one of two a-cappella Carpenters songs, the other being "Without a Song".
- Name: Invocation Run Time: 7:10 Year: 1994
- During the Closed Beta, Invocation was unlocked at level 7 (now 11). Aralynn the Pious had the name Felicia.
- The invocation is an optional part of a toastmaster meeting. It can be either a prayer or inspirational thought. When a club has this role it is important for the speaker to do so in a manner that will not offend any of the attendees. When used it is at the beginning of the meeting, often followed by a pledge to the flag.
- An invocation is a type of magical spell involving invoking the power of someone or something. Invocations are used by the healers and physicians of the world. While some of the most powerful include cosmos shattering invocatinos of the most fearsome of paradimensional deities.
- "Invocation" is the fifth episode of the eighth season of The X-Files.
- Invocation (Invocación) es una canción por los Carpenters de su primer álbum, Offering.
- L'Invocation est une compétence pour abonnés qui est sortie le 15 janvier 2008 et qui a été grandement étendu le 31 mars 2008. Prière aux loups joue le rôle d'introduction à la compétence, même si elle n'est plus requise pour débuter la compétence. Elle apprend aux joueurs à infuser l'essence d'une panoplie de créatures dans des bourses d'Invocation, ensuite à invoquer ces créatures, appelés familiers. Chaque familier possède une capacité unique qui requiert un parchemin d'Invocation, crée à partir de la bourse correspondante. Invoquer des familiers et créer des parchemins donne très peu d'expérience, en conséquence les joueurs doivent créer des bourses pour pouvoir gagner efficacement de l'expérience, et même avec cela, c'est une compétence relativement lente à entrainer. Bien que l'Invoc
- L’Invocation ou Invocateur est un monstre Super Unique qui se situe dans le Sanctuaire des Arcanes. Il se trouve à proximité du Journal d'Horazon, sur une plate-forme avec six glyphes lumineux. Le tuer complète la quête L’Invocateur. A sa mort, il peut laisser tomber une clé de la haine avec 3% de chances. En lisant le Journal d'Horazon, un portail spécial s'ouvre au Canyon des Mages, là, à quelques pas, le joueur peut trouver le portail de ville.
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- 90(xsd:integer)
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supports archetypes
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es lore
| - Invoca por Fusión 1 Monstruo de Fusión en tu Deck Extra, usando monstruos en tu mano como Materiales de Fusión. Si Invocas un Monstruo de Fusión "Invokado/a" de esta forma, también puedes desterrar monstruos en tu Campo y/o en el Cementerio de cualquier jugador como Materiales de Fusión. Si esta carta está en tu Cementerio: puedes seleccionar 1 de tus "Aleister, el que Invoka" desterrados; baraja esta carta al Deck y, si lo haces, añade esa carta a tu mano. Sólo puedes usar este efecto de "Invokación" una vez por turno.
| - Manga, Anime, Films et Jeux vidéo
| - Sanglier → Chien → Coq → Singe → Chèvre
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Romaji Name
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ja lore
| - このカード名の②の効果は1ターンに1度しか使用できない。①:融合モンスターカードによって決められた融合素材モンスターを手札から墓地へ送り、その融合モンスター1体をEXデッキから融合召喚する。「召喚獣」融合モンスターを融合召喚する場合、自分フィールド及び自分・相手の墓地のモンスターを除外して融合素材とする事もできる。②:このカードが墓地に存在する場合、除外されている自分の「召喚師アレイスター」1体を対象として発動できる。墓地のこのカードをデッキに戻し、対象のモンスターを手札に加える。
Cast Time
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it lore
| - Evoca tramite Fusione 1 Mostro Fusione dal tuo Extra Deck, utilizzando mostri dalla tua mano come Materiali da Fusione. Se stai Evocando un Mostro Fusione "Invokato" in questo modo, puoi anche bandire mostri dal tuo Terreno e/o dal Cimitero di qualsiasi giocatore come Materiali da Fusione. Se questa carta è nel tuo Cimitero: puoi scegliere come bersaglio 1 dei tuoi "Aleister l'Invocatore" banditi; mischia questa carta nel Deck e, se lo fai, aggiungi quella carta alla tua mano. Puoi utilizzare questo effetto di "Invokazione" una sola volta per turno.
pt name
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| - Osamodas
- Offensive, Défensive et Complémentaire
Row 1 info
| - Control targets by naming them.
| - * Banishes from your field
* Banishes from your Graveyard
* Banishes from your opponent's Graveyard
* Banishes Fusion Materials used in a Fusion Summon
| - Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand as Fusion Material. If Summoning an "Invoked" Fusion Monster this way, you can also banish monsters from your field and/or either player's GY as Fusion Material. If this card is in your GY: You can target 1 of your banished "Aleister the Invoker"; shuffle this card into the Deck, and if you do, add that card to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Invocation" once per turn.
| - Doggett with a mysterious boy.
pt lore
| - Invoque por Invocação-Fusão 1 Monstro de Fusão do seu Deck Adicional, usando monstros da sua mão como Matérias de Fusão. Se estiver Invocando um Monstro de Fusão "Invokado" desta forma, você também pode banir monstros do seu campo e/ou do Cemitério de qualquer duelista como Matérias de Fusão. Se este card estiver no seu Cemitério: você pode escolher 1 dos seus "Aleister, Aquele que Invoka" banidos; embaralhe este card no Deck e, se isso acontecer, adicione esse card à sua mão. Você só pode usar este efeito de "Invokação" uma vez por turno.
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ko lore
| - "소환마술"의 ②의 효과는 1턴에 1번밖에 사용할 수 없다. ①: 융합 몬스터 카드에 기재된 융합 소재 몬스터를 패에서 묘지로 보내고, 그 융합 몬스터 1장을 엑스트라 덱에서 융합 소환한다. "소환수" 융합 몬스터를 융합 소환할 경우, 자신 필드 및 자신 / 상대 묘지의 몬스터를 제외하고 융합 소재로 할 수도 있다. ②: 이 카드가 묘지에 존재할 경우, 제외되어 있는 자신의 "소환사 알레이스터" 1장을 대상으로 하고 발동할 수 있다. 묘지의 이 카드를 덱으로 되돌리고, 대상의 몬스터를 패에 넣는다.
| - Invoque une créature contenue dans le Symbiote
- Soigne 5 PdV
- Soigne 55 PdV
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