| - Furmentation is a webcomic depicting the adventure of a captured hamster sergeant and a few other characters. It can be found here. A new site here put up by the author is reposting comics daily and promises new ones to come afterwards. It has examples of:
* Ax Crazy: Maeyen, pretty much everyone.
* Big No: Alecksi, after Thompson steals Chibi-Kahn.
* Books That Bite: Referenced here.
* Calvin Ball: The MAGIC version, Mage Ball.
* Combat Pragmatist: Thompson and others; the Message Pies are a mix of this and Bring News Bake.
* Cloudcuckoolander: Thompson pretends that Gulley is upon meeting him; more importantly, the KING. He has ADD. Crap. AND the Headmaster of the magic school.
* Groin Attack: LOTS of castration threats, the most serious from a grumpy old man. Also see the periscope page.
* Ice Cream Koan: Subverted in that is actually good, if unkind, advice in this.
* "I Know What We Can Do!" Cut: Here.
* I'm A Hamstertarian: This.
* Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: Xodin the Hamster Sergeant not only is a terrible shot with firearms, but also unpredictable magical discharges. So is the head professor of his magic academy as seen here.
* Jerkass: Yup.
* Minimalist Cast: Mostly.
* Modern Major-General: Here.
* Morality Teddy Bear: Subverted ? the mouse conqueror goes into a psychopathic rage when Chibi-Kahn is stolen.
* More Dakka: "We need more mammoths! Repeat, we need more mammoths!"
* Murder Arson and Jaywalking: Not as a crime, but the way the king prior to Skybeard died:
* No Fourth Wall: Somewhat - the author's friend's avatar shows up as 'God' and has a philosophical debate with the main character.
* Pointy-Haired Boss: The headmaster MUST be modeled after him. He's even forgotten his family. (as in, who are these people in my house?)
* Put on a Bus: Almost happens to the hamster sergeant Xodin.
* Red Sky, Take Warning: If only it was a storm.
* Royals Who Actually Do Something: Skybeard, definitely. Alecksi, most likely.
* Shout-Out: To Gilligan's Island, of all things.
* Shown Their Work: Despite being a Hamster-centric online comic, it's actually quite good.
* Sprite Comic: A very strange example. In order to make things easier for himself, the author pre-draws a lot of objects and characters then copy-pastes them like sprites and draws in backgrounds, arms, etc. This results in a very distinctive style.
* Tempting Fate: Several times, particularly the hawk and Skybeard's ascension.
* Why Did It Have to Be Snakes? / Reptiles Are Abhorrent: It makes sense that both Thompson and Gulley hate snakes, since they're hamsters. Non-rodents (besides mammoths, hawks, sharks, evil worm/snakes, demons, and 'God', only two of whom are sentient) have yet to appear.