| - Hoist can't be bothered to do his medic work with any real effort. His repairs are shoddy, at best—lazy, jury-rigged, and rudimentary. Still, if you can't afford Fixit's price, even Hoist's low-rent patch jobs are worlds better than being one of Ratchet's experiments. Hoist's lack of dedication to his job sometimes blinds him to the precedence that armed conflict often takes over his own comfort. He lacks speed in vehicular mode, and has a high fuel consumption rate.
| - Hoist can't be bothered to do his medic work with any real effort. His repairs are shoddy, at best—lazy, jury-rigged, and rudimentary. Still, if you can't afford Fixit's price, even Hoist's low-rent patch jobs are worlds better than being one of Ratchet's experiments. As a tow truck, Hoist can haul up to 400,000 pounds. In robot mode, he is one of the strongest of the Autobots. From his wrist sockets, he can launch heat-seeking missiles up to 4.5 miles. The full spectrum multi-sensor module he wears behind his head can determine an object's composition, density, tensile strength, energy properties and often even its function with a mere sweep of its triple beams. The beams have an operating range of 1200 yards, making Hoist an effective and valued scout at times. Hoist's lack of dedication to his job sometimes blinds him to the precedence that armed conflict often takes over his own comfort. He lacks speed in vehicular mode, and has a high fuel consumption rate.