| - Parrises squares was a vigorous athletic game that was popular in the 23rd and 24th centuries. An alternative spelling to the game's name is Parisi Squares. (TNG video game: Echoes From the Past) Rigel VII had a notable mens Parrises squares team in the the 24th century. (DS9 comic: "Four Funerals and a Wedding") When playing Parrises squares, players often wore unique padded uniforms and used a piece of equipment called an ion mallet. The game also involved a ramp, and if players weren't careful, they could easily fall off and injure themselves. (TNG episode: "Future Imperfect")
- Parrises squares ist ein athletisch extrem anspruchsvolles Spiel, das vor allem unter Jugendlichen sehr beliebt ist. Dabei tragen die Spieler eine besonders gepolsterte Kleidung, die aber nur den allernötigsten Schutz bietet und nur bedingt vor schweren Verletzungen schützt. Es wird mit Schlägern aus Eisen gespielt (VOY: ). Beim Meisterschaftsfinale 2342 erwürgt der Spieler M'Kota R'Cho den Schiedsrichter weil dieser eine Entscheidung gegen sein Team gefällt hatte. (VOY: )
- The game involved two teams of four players. Substitutions were possible, which allowed teams to rotate active and resting teammates. Some players, such as Commander William T. Riker, disliked the practice, feeling that doing so created a disruptive loss of a team's "rhythm". (TNG: "11001001" ) When playing parrises squares, players wore padded uniforms and used a piece of equipment called an ion mallet. The game also involved a ramp, and if players were not careful, they could fall off and injure themselves. (TNG: "Future Imperfect" )
- Parrises squares is vigorous sport popular with teens in the 24th century, much to the concern of parents. Equipment for the game included padded uniforms and ion mallets. Ramps were also a part of the game, and players would often fall, resulting in many injuries. (TNG: "Future Imperfect") Parrises squares was also popular among members of Starfleet, much to the frustration of their chief medical officers. William Riker, Tasha Yar, Worf, Harry Kim and Kathryn Janeway all played the game. (TNG: "11001001"; VOY: "Tsunkatse"; VOY novel: Mosaic)
| - Parrises squares is vigorous sport popular with teens in the 24th century, much to the concern of parents. Equipment for the game included padded uniforms and ion mallets. Ramps were also a part of the game, and players would often fall, resulting in many injuries. (TNG: "Future Imperfect") Parrises squares was also popular among members of Starfleet, much to the frustration of their chief medical officers. William Riker, Tasha Yar, Worf, Harry Kim and Kathryn Janeway all played the game. (TNG: "11001001"; VOY: "Tsunkatse"; VOY novel: Mosaic) Other players included Mary Barranco, Ben Bartholomew, Nyota Dryer, Gleicy Ruiz, Jack Long, Michael Owens, and Timothy Sinclair. (Star Trek: Pendragon, Star Trek: Sutherland, Star Trek: Prometheus; Starship Independence; The Star Eagle Adventures) The sport was a popular event during the Olympics, and there was also a Federation-wide professional league. The Tycho City Titans were a popular parrises squares team, and rivals of the neighboring New Berlin Barons. The two teams were members of the Luna Conference. Ben Bartholomew often took his godsons, Jeff and Tyler Sinclair to see them play. (Star Trek: Pendragon: "More to This Life", "Sometimes It Comes In the Clouds") Kilenbik was the Parrises squares champion aboard the USS Gallifrey and later, the USS Skyfall. (Star Trek: Sons of Liberty: "For I Dipt Into the Future...")
- Parrises squares was a vigorous athletic game that was popular in the 23rd and 24th centuries. An alternative spelling to the game's name is Parisi Squares. (TNG video game: Echoes From the Past) Rigel VII had a notable mens Parrises squares team in the the 24th century. (DS9 comic: "Four Funerals and a Wedding") When playing Parrises squares, players often wore unique padded uniforms and used a piece of equipment called an ion mallet. The game also involved a ramp, and if players weren't careful, they could easily fall off and injure themselves. (TNG episode: "Future Imperfect")
- Parrises squares ist ein athletisch extrem anspruchsvolles Spiel, das vor allem unter Jugendlichen sehr beliebt ist. Dabei tragen die Spieler eine besonders gepolsterte Kleidung, die aber nur den allernötigsten Schutz bietet und nur bedingt vor schweren Verletzungen schützt. Es wird mit Schlägern aus Eisen gespielt (VOY: ). Beim Meisterschaftsfinale 2342 erwürgt der Spieler M'Kota R'Cho den Schiedsrichter weil dieser eine Entscheidung gegen sein Team gefällt hatte. (VOY: ) Als die Besatzung der USS Enterprise-D 2364 an Sternenbasis 74 andockt, wird die Mannschaft von einem Team der Sternenbasis herausgefordert. (TNG: ) 2373 berichtet B'Elanna Torres Thomas Eugene Paris, dass sie eine Partie Parrises Squares mit Freddy Bristow gespielt hat. (VOY: ) In der Holosimulation Familienprogramm Beta-Rho des Doktors, die er 2373 erstellt, ist seine simulierte Tochter Belle eine begeisterte Parrises-Squares-Spielerin und Mitglied der Schulmannschaft. Ihre Eltern sind allerdings weniger von ihrer Sportvorliebe begeistert, da sie finden, dass das Spiel zu gefährlich für ein Mädchen in ihrem Alter sei, besonders weil Coach Morgan sie in der ersten Mannschaft spielen lässt, obwohl sie eigentlich zu jung für diese ist. Ihre Zweifel sind berechtigt, denn Belle stirbt an den Folgen einer Verletzung, die sie bei einem Turnier erleidet. (VOY: ) 2376 meint Harry Kim zu Chakotay, dass der rechte Haken eines Nausikaaners beim Boxen nicht so schlimm ist, wie einen Parrises squares-Schläger in die Rippen zu bekommen. (VOY: )
- The game involved two teams of four players. Substitutions were possible, which allowed teams to rotate active and resting teammates. Some players, such as Commander William T. Riker, disliked the practice, feeling that doing so created a disruptive loss of a team's "rhythm". (TNG: "11001001" ) When playing parrises squares, players wore padded uniforms and used a piece of equipment called an ion mallet. The game also involved a ramp, and if players were not careful, they could fall off and injure themselves. (TNG: "Future Imperfect" ) Raymond Marr, a colonist on Omicron Theta, played parrises squares with a group of his schoolmates. He started when he was very young but was gifted and even won a championship emblem in the game. (TNG: "Silicon Avatar" ) The Starfleet Academy team faced the Minsk team in the parrises squares Championship Finals of 2324. It came as a big surprise when Starfleet Academy won, as the Minsk team was favored. Starfleet cadets threw a celebratory party that wreaked havoc on the academy grounds and took Boothby three weeks to repair. (TNG: "The First Duty" ) M'Kota R'Cho was the only Klingon national that played parrises squares professionally, when he participated in the controversial Championship Finals of 2342. (VOY: "Year of Hell") Starbase 74 had a parrises squares team, which the USS Enterprise-D team played against during its stay there in 2364. (TNG: "11001001" ) While healing a deep cut on William Riker's face, which he acquired from Data's cat, Spot, Doctor Crusher admonished him, giving an order to "Stop playing parrises squares as if you're 21!" She continued dispensing advice: "One day, you'll break your neck, and I won't be able to heal that as easily." (TNG: "Timescape" ) In 2373, The Doctor created a holographic family to help him better understand and empathize with his patients, and his daughter, Belle, was on her school's parrises squares team. This worried her parents, especially The Doctor, for parrises squares was a potentially dangerous game – even more so for Belle, who played in a league of children older than she. Their concern proved prescient and justified; she later died from injuries sustained during a competition. (VOY: "Real Life") Ensign Harry Kim played during his time as a cadet, mentioning that he knew what it felt like to take an ion mallet to the ribs, and that he was Academy champion three times. (VOY: "Tsunkatse") According to Lieutenant Tom Paris, Ensign Freddy Bristow played "a mean set of Parrises Squares." Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres, however, was not impressed, stating that she had played one game with him and whipped him. (VOY: "The Swarm") In the fictional future created by Barash for William Riker, Barash's avatar Jean-Luc Riker broke his wrist playing Parrises Squares. The elder Riker was displeased that Jean-Luc was playing Parrises Squares at his age, saying he could have broken his neck, but Dr. Crusher politely pointed out to him that Will was even younger than Jean-Luc when he started. (TNG: "Future Imperfect" )