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- History of location is unknown.
- "Salem" is derived from the Jewy Jew jew word "Shalomado", and the Towelhead word "Salamimimimi" both meaning " flamingly gay," but is affectionately known by its inhabitants as "Solame". Historically, Salem has not been quite as gay as Portland, however Salem does have a large migrant lesbian population. Salem has also been nicknamed the "Cherry City", because of the importance of cherries.
- Salem ist eine Stadt in Massachusetts auf dem nordamerikanischen Kontinent der Erde. 1691 finden in Salem die Hexenprozesse von Salem statt, wo sich die Menschen gegenseitig des Verbrechens der Hexerei beschuldigen. (TAS: )
- Salem (PT-015) is a partially terraformed planet in New England Sector. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Es uno de los personajes de Ben 10: Universo Regular, creado exclusivamente por Brujito10.
- Grey One, Thomas Grey, Dark One, el Diablo, Thunder's Wrath, Rade Andreas Popovic
- Date of death: 10/31/1939
- En 1692*, les Megans furent forcés de quitter la Terre après les incidents de Salem, Massachusetts, où les Humains ont persécuté des individus soupçonnés de sorcellerie. (TAS: "The Magicks of Megas-Tu")
- Salem (セイラム Seiramu) is a playable character in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. He was a member of the Lopto Sect, but he left after questioning their actions. While attempting to escape from the sect, he was nearly killed. Perne found him and helped him recover from his wounds. Because of that, Salem is devoted to him. He is met in the game as an enemy, and Leif and his friends have to capture him in order to convince him to join their army. He was the first playable dark magic user in the Fire Emblem franchise. Raigh soon followed this, however, being restricted to only Dark Magic.
- Salem est une ville des États-Unis.
- Salem is a location in the Commonwealth in 2287.
- Salem is a town in Massachusetts.
- Salem ist ein Ort im Commonwealth in Fallout 4.
- Salem or Malek'thas is a city in Tír Tairngire.
- Salem wore a brown cloak.
- Salem invariable Catégorie:Prononciation manquante 1.
* localité du Pays valencien située dans la province de Valence
- セイラムとは地球 アメリカ合衆国, URNAに属するオレゴン州の州都。 ヘイローユニバースで知られている事の一つとして、フェンダー・コンストラクション社の本社があった。この会社はケニアのボイにあったトラクサス社 第09工場にて作業に当たっていた。.
- Salem é um misterioso criminoso que parece ter algum envolvimento com os Iluminados. Formou uma gangue unindo-se a Balach e Mãos de Trovão quando fugiram da prisão. Salem parece ter o poder de manipular energias com as pontas dos dedos, podendo dispara-las como se fosse um revolver.
- Salem, Massachusetts was the home of Reverend Trask. It is most notorious for the Salem witch trials of 1692. In 1795, Abigail Collins became convinced that Victoria Winters was practising witchcraft at Collinwood and sent to Salem for Reverend Trask. His great-great-grandson, Gregory Trask, said that Reverend Trask mysteriously disappeared after he left Collinsport to return to Salem.
- Salem is a coastal city in Essex County, Massachusetts. Historically, the town was the location of many witchhunts in the 17th Century.
- Figure mystérieuse et discrète, Salem a fait de nombreuses apparitions dans le temps et dans l'espace à des moments déterminants de notre histoire. Mais qui est-il réellement ? Que mange-t-il en hiver ?
- Il nome della città venne preso dai processi alle streghe di Salem del 1691, dove umani venivano perseguitati con il presunto crimine di praticare "stregoneria". (TAS: "Le magie dei Megas-Tu")
- Salem is a trained military pro. He and his friend are a two man army that not even Iraq could stop! He might be all by himself here, but he is still one tough nut to crack!
- El planeta Salem, localizado en el Sistema Moloch, era un Mundo Fortaleza del Imperio situado en el sur del Segmentum Ultima. Cuando parte de la Flota Enjambre Kraken se abalanzó sobre el planeta, los monjes del Adeptus Ministorum que habitaban en el gigantesco asteroide-monasterio del Sistema eligieron envenenarse a sí mismos y al ecosistema con un agente putrefactor antes que dejar que todo ello fuera consumido por el Gran Devorador. Después de consumir el planeta, la Flota Enjambre se dirigió hacia el Mundo Industrial imperial de Moloch III.
- Salem is an electronic group based in Traverse City, Michigan and Chicago. The group consists of Jack Donoghue (production), John Holland (production), and Heather Marlatt (vocals), and formed in 2006 in Chicago. The band gained recognition in 2008 after the release of two EPs (Yes I Smoke Crack and Water) before releasing their debut album, King Night in 2010. Their music is notorious for combining leftfield hip-hop productions with eerie samples and distorted vocals.
- The town's name was synonymous with the Salem witch trials of 1691, where Humans persecuted each other for the alleged crime of "witchcraft". (TAS: "The Magicks of Megas-Tu")
- Salem is lost in the world and no one knows him. From time to time, you see him wandering around Hyrule, and known as the Wandering Shadow.
- Salem es un pueblo de Massachusetts de antes la gran guerra.
- The Salem is a vehicle in the Witches and Wieners DLC for Saints Row: The ThirdBroken {{ref}} (youtube link) and Saints Row IV.
- <default>Salem</default> Lokalizacja Rok powstania Właściciel Mieszkańcy Rola Przynależność Salem — miejscowość w Stanach Zjednoczonych w stanie Massachusetts, w której znajduje się Instytut Czarownic z Salem, będący amerykańską szkołą dla czarodziejów.
- Deze stad was verbonden met het heksentribunaal van 1691, waarbij enkele Megans ter dood werden veroordeeld. Ze konden echter ternauwernood ontsnappen en keerden terug naar Megas-Tu, hun thuiswereld. (TAS:"The Magicks of Megas-tu"). Categorie:VS nederzettingen en:Salem fr:Salem it:Salem de:Salem
- Salem era una ciudad ubicada en el Condado de Essex en el estado de Massachusetts en los Estados Unidos de América. Desde 1692 a 1693, una serie de juicios de brujas de No-Majs fueron llevados a cabo en el entonces establecimiento colonial de Salem, teniendo como resultado la ejecución de varias personas inocentes (ambas, mágicas y no mágicas). Los juicios de brujas de Salem fueron un evento traumático mayor en la historia del mundo mágico. Salem podría también ser la sede del Instituto de las Brujas de Salem.
- Full Name: Von Salemvict Location: Kremnok (formerly Oblivion and Gqurd) Occupation: Necromancer and weapon / talisman craftsman Hobbies: Gambling (poker), knife-throwing, ventriloquism Power Index: 800 Arts: Dark Ray, Dark Hand, Raise Dead, Animation, Soul Synthesize, Instant Death (common demon / human level) He has several puppets that he animates as entertainment and assassins: Walter, a faceless marionette with a large scimitar; Herman, a grotesque Chucky-like ventriloquist dummy that throws knives; and Philip, a jack-in-the-box resembling the clown It, armed with a pair of large shears.
- Salem is a city on Earth, part of the United States of America. Located in the state of Massachusetts, the city became infamous for the Salem witch trials that took place in the late 17th century. In the 1690s, Salem was home to a number of Megans, who lived in the city under the guise of ordinary people. When some Megans made mistakes and accidently used their powers, a number of them were executed as witches by the Humans living in Salem. The surviving Megans left Earth and returned home, fearful and bitter towards humans for the next several hundred years because of their experiences. (TAS episode: "The Magicks of Megas-Tu").
- Salem is a Tyrant that inhabited the Umbrella facility deep within Chicago. It has two massive claws but no heart and a tail. This tail is able to reproduce tinier organisms much like the G-Larvae but they are not able to grow. It can rip apart a human being just by putting a tiny bit of force on a human. It is well known for a move where it gouges a hole into its prey then fits its other claw in the hole and rips them in half from both sides. It is featured as a boss in the game Resident Evil: Horror Unleashed, a prequel to Resident Evil: No Way Out! which tells of a different outbreak which Kevin Coen was envolved in. This Tyrant was apparently crippled by Kevin but due to there being no report of its actual destruction, it still isnt confirmed: Dead possibly hinting at a reappearance. I