| - The threat of this new weapon to the Federation was analyzed by the crew of the USS Enterprise during an encounter in Federation space, near the Klingon-Federation border, on stardate 5392. During the confrontation, the Devisor successfully disabled the Enterprise's higher order field and warp functions, namely the matter-antimatter generators, impulse engines, phasers and photon torpedoes, but not communications. However, upon further analysis by Science Officer Spock, it was determined that after prolonged use of the weapon, the cruiser's power cells were too quickly drained, reducing the ships battle capacity. In order to complete any prolonged assault, the cruiser was required to wait several hours for the weapon to recharge to full power. Ultimately, it was determined that the use of
| - The threat of this new weapon to the Federation was analyzed by the crew of the USS Enterprise during an encounter in Federation space, near the Klingon-Federation border, on stardate 5392. During the confrontation, the Devisor successfully disabled the Enterprise's higher order field and warp functions, namely the matter-antimatter generators, impulse engines, phasers and photon torpedoes, but not communications. However, upon further analysis by Science Officer Spock, it was determined that after prolonged use of the weapon, the cruiser's power cells were too quickly drained, reducing the ships battle capacity. In order to complete any prolonged assault, the cruiser was required to wait several hours for the weapon to recharge to full power. Ultimately, it was determined that the use of this weapon aboard D7s was impractical in standard combat. (TAS: "More Tribbles, More Troubles") In Stephen Cole's Trek-based board game Star Fleet Battles, the Klingon stasis field comes into more general use, but is still quite limited in deployment, as the ship using the "Stasis Field Generator" requires other ships as escorts in order to be effective.