Wheezy Wilson: The Story of Deadpool is an animated film made by 50A Productions, and the first film of the New Earth-4045 Cinematic Universe, which also introduces the universe itself. This animated film is directed by Neil Druckmann, who is known for directing the Uncharted game series, and features the voice-actors Nolan North, Crispin Freeman, David Hayter, Fred Tatasciore, Travis Willingham, Steven Blum, Amanda Celine Miller, and Maria Canals Barrera. This animated movie centers on Frederick Wilson, AKA Deadpool, in a quest of vengeance against a global terrorist and supervillain called "Taskmaster", who took away his retirement time and his girlfriend. This movie takes some inspiration from Fox's Deadpool movie, Captain America: Civil War and Winter Soldier. Unlike the main inspirati
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| - Wheezy Wilson: The Story of Deadpool
| - Wheezy Wilson: The Story of Deadpool is an animated film made by 50A Productions, and the first film of the New Earth-4045 Cinematic Universe, which also introduces the universe itself. This animated film is directed by Neil Druckmann, who is known for directing the Uncharted game series, and features the voice-actors Nolan North, Crispin Freeman, David Hayter, Fred Tatasciore, Travis Willingham, Steven Blum, Amanda Celine Miller, and Maria Canals Barrera. This animated movie centers on Frederick Wilson, AKA Deadpool, in a quest of vengeance against a global terrorist and supervillain called "Taskmaster", who took away his retirement time and his girlfriend. This movie takes some inspiration from Fox's Deadpool movie, Captain America: Civil War and Winter Soldier. Unlike the main inspirati
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| - Wheezy Wilson: The Story of Deadpool is an animated film made by 50A Productions, and the first film of the New Earth-4045 Cinematic Universe, which also introduces the universe itself. This animated film is directed by Neil Druckmann, who is known for directing the Uncharted game series, and features the voice-actors Nolan North, Crispin Freeman, David Hayter, Fred Tatasciore, Travis Willingham, Steven Blum, Amanda Celine Miller, and Maria Canals Barrera. This animated movie centers on Frederick Wilson, AKA Deadpool, in a quest of vengeance against a global terrorist and supervillain called "Taskmaster", who took away his retirement time and his girlfriend. This movie takes some inspiration from Fox's Deadpool movie, Captain America: Civil War and Winter Soldier. Unlike the main inspiration of this movie, the Deadpool of this movie is based on the lesser known "Golden Age Deadpool", with a new storyline. The animation of this movie will be similar to those of Batman: Assault on Arkham.
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