| - Kung-Fu Killers: Top 10 weapons of kung-fu is the follow-up documentary to National Geographic's Fight Science. It has similar computer graphics as those seen in Fight Science, but the narration and background music are in the similar vein as another, even older documentary, Kung-fu Dragons of Mount Wudang. The documentary shows uses of famous Chinese weapons, including rare and unconfirmed weapons; however it could be said that the title is misleading due to the weapons being grouped into categories rather than individual weapons. For example #10 is Swords and Sabres and talks about the weapons as 2 distinct pieces rather than a single type of weapon. More varied examples would include the section on improvised, or hidden weapons, as one entry it details sharpened rakes, hook swords and antler like weapons. The #1 weapon was named to be the flying guillotine. This weapon, although having appeared in many publications and films, has no actual proof in history as said in the show itself. This questions the whole show as the number one weapon is said to be near impossible to use, and may never have even existed.