| - La Sovereign es un vehículo tipo motocicleta que aparece como DLC de Grand Theft Auto V. Es parte de la actualización Especial Día de la Independencia.
- The Sovereign or Hercules II was an evil tyrant in the Strange World. He poisoned Zeus II with Hind's Blood he obtained from his lover Xena II in order to force Aphrodite II to marry him so he could become king of the gods (HTLJ "Stranger in a Strange World").
- A sovereign is a person who holds supreme authority over a government or society. Such a person is also known as a monarch if their authority is passed on through hereditary lines, and often is given the title King (for males) or Queen for females.
- Sovereign – motocykl występujący w Grand Theft Auto V. Dodany w DLC Independence Day. Sovereign jest produkowany przez Western Motorcycle Company oraz jest wzorowany na Harley Davidson Road King. W grze jest oparty w głównej mierze o Baggera. Ma podobne osiągi. Posiada słabe przyśpieszenie, średnią prędkość maksymalną, jednak dobre hamulce. Ma także dobrą zwrotność.
- The Sovereign are a highly advanced, genetically-engineered galactic race who live on the planet of the same name.
- Sovereign is a title of the leader, elected or otherwise appointed, of some societies.
- The Western Motorcycle Company Sovereign is a cruiser featured in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the Independence Day Special update.
- 350px|right Die Sovereign sind ein Volk, das auf dem gleichnamigen Planeten lebt. Sie sind dafür bekannt in Perfektion zu leben und nach ihr zu streben.
- Il Sovereign era uno Star Destroyer classe Imperial I appartenente alla flotta stellare dell'Impero Galattico e servì come nave personale del Gran Moff Wilhuff Tarkin per un certo periodo prima della Battaglia di Yavin.
- Sovereign is the Art of controlling commoners and noble majesty. It is one of the most political Arts commonly practiced by the Kithain, and exists largely to ensure the maintenance of their political structures. Commoner changelings find this Art exploitative, an unfair trick for keeping the high classes high, and the low classes low. For many years, Sovereign has been the Art that the Sidhe use to exercise their nobility; therefore, it is rare to see it in the hands of other kiths. The connection between nobles and Sovereign is built into the Art; it is almost useless in the hands of a commoner, but breathtakingly powerful in the hands of a King or Queen.
- Sovereign ist eine Multiplayermap aus Call of Duty: Ghosts. Sie spielt in einer Panzerfabrik.thumb|Ein Spiel auf Sovereign
- Introduced in the 2370s, the Sovereign class was first battle-tested in the Battle of Sector 001 in 2373. Smaller than the earlier Galaxy Class, Sovereigns boast improved technology and weapons but less room for civilian personnel and family quarters. Expanded engineering facilities allow the Sovereign to supply power to other ships or boost its tractor beams to hold an opponent in place for improved targeting.
- The Sovereign —a J-type 322 Starship— officially registered under the name [Waryn] Sovereign is the first J-type acquired by Crislyn Anessa Waryn. She bought the ship so that it could act as the diplomatic ship for both the Waryn family and Clan Muintir. Crislyn, known for customizing her ships, had the Chromium armor chemically altered so that the color of the plates turned copper, giving the ship a more regal look. However, the fins on the aft of the ship near the bridge and the aft and bow cones of the engines remain the original silver, this was done to show honor toward the Nubian design.
- Sovereign is published by Image Comics. Current price per issue is $2.99.
- Sovereign was the title in use on several worlds. Marouk was the Acamarian sovereign in 2366. (TNG: "The Vengeance Factor" ) In the Delta Quadrant, a world known as The Waters was ruled by 47 regional sovereigns, united under the Monean Maritime Sovereignty. (VOY: "Thirty Days") While Kaitaama was officially referred to as First Monarch, she did not object to Charles Tucker III calling her " your Sovereignty", presumably in reference to her role as head of the Sovereign Dynasty of Krios Prime.
- La 'Sovereign est un véhicule apparue dans Saints Row: The Third et Saints Row IV.
- The Sovereign is a vehicle in Saints Row: The ThirdBroken {{ref}} (youtube link) and Saints Row IV.Broken {{ref}} (youtube link)
- Sovereign est une map dans Call of Duty: Ghosts. Elle prend place dans une usine de fabrication de tanks.
- Sovereign is a character in Call of Duty: Nuclear War 2 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4.
- Die Sovereign war das vermeintliche Flaggschiff von Saren Arterius - in Wirklichkeit handelte es sich jedoch um einen Reaper mit dem Namen „Nazara“. __TOC__
- Sovereign — карта из сетевой игры Call of Duty: Ghosts. en:Sovereign Категория:Карты Ghosts
- Sovereign aussi connu sous son vrai nom Nazara était un Moissonneur se faisant passer pour le vaisseau amiral du Spectre renégat Saren Arterius. Ce cuirassé dont la taille dépasse l'entendement possèdait comme armement principal un canon Thanix long de deux kilomètres. Cette arme est capable de pénétrer les barrières cinétiques d'un autre cuirassé, et ce d'un seul tir. Ses défenses sont également impressionnantes, car il pouvait encaisser des tirs de plusieurs vaisseaux simultanément sans subir de dégâts importants.
- The Sovereign was among the large, powerful ExoCarriers that formed the backbone of the ExoFleet. It was lost in the opening minutes of Captain Matthew Marcus's ill-advised strike against Earth near the start of the war - the first ExoCarrier lost to the Neosapiens. Abundantly equipped with E-frame hangars, laser batteries, and fusion torpedo launchers, the Sovereign could deliver a staggering amount of firepower to multiple targets.
- "Sovereign" is the first episode of the fifth season of Sons of Anarchy.
- "Those of royal blood from kingdoms large and small. Their orders raise morale to turn the tide." —Prince/ss description, Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City The Sovereign (プリンス / プリンセス Prince/ss in the Japanese version and Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City) are armor-clad supporters who use their powerful voices to lead their comrades to victory time and time again. With their bolstering voices, they raise the party's morale as well as their stats, making each battle easier as the Sovereign's noble presence makes it's appearance. With their heavy armor, they're a force to be reckoned with, being virtually unstoppable as their orders heal the wounded and wear out the enemy. Thanks to their vitality, they make ideal units for either line, though lacking in any means of inflicting direc
- The "sovereign" was the alias given to one of the native realspace Voidborn discovered following a massive disruption in the Void in the wake of the Vokriind ritual. According to the Sith King, Koldun V, the "sovereign" was a powerful ruler of the Unknown Regions, with his influence extending over many worlds and his reputation extending even further, inspiring fear in any that opposed or threatened him. The sovereign was also noted as being one of the few realspace Voidborn that was a Voidwalker, self-trained in the usage of his gifts.
- Die Sovereign ist ein Raumschiff, das 7 Prozent Extraschaden bei Schiffen feindlicher Firmen erzeugt und ansonsten die gleichen Eigenschaften wie ein Standard-Goliath besitzt. Es wurde zunächst ab dem 17. August 2014 als Design (D-SV-01) für den Goliath angeboten (ebenso wie Peacemaker und Vanquisher) und war für 150.000 Uri zu kaufen. Seit dem Hangar-Update 2016 ist es ein eigenständiges Schiff. Es kann im Montagewerk hergestellt werden.
- Sovereigns serve as biological super carriers with multiple folds to hold an untold number of creatures. An evolved form of Zerg Leviathans , Sovereigns double as flying relay stations for the hive mind. Like Overlords, they can grant Control to maintain forces in a system. Thanks to genetic enhancements, Sovereigns give extra Control beyond normal limits. Special Abilities:
- Sovereign is the flagship of the rogue Spectre Saren Arterius. An enormous dreadnought larger than any other ship in any known fleet, Sovereign is crewed with both geth and krogan. At two kilometers long, its spinal-mounted main gun is likely capable of penetrating another dreadnought's kinetic barriers with a single shot. __TOC__
- The Sovereign was the flagship of Disciples of the Ancients, and the only ship larger than a transport craft in their arsenal. An enormous dreadnought larger than any other ship in any known fleet, the Sovereign was crewed by various individuals who were enslaved by the Disciples and willed to serve the leader. At over twenty kilometers long, it was a terror to behold to any unsuspecting observer.