Foiled but not vanquished, the villainous Nightshade and her crew of mercenaries have gone to ground, hiding while they rebuild and preparing to loose new terrors on the city in the name of their Nazi paymasters. Can Kit Baxter lead the fight as the Flying Squirrel? Will John Archer's grief and rage prevent him from wearing the mask of the Red Panda? The answers lie within... The Trojan Horse!
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| - Foiled but not vanquished, the villainous Nightshade and her crew of mercenaries have gone to ground, hiding while they rebuild and preparing to loose new terrors on the city in the name of their Nazi paymasters. Can Kit Baxter lead the fight as the Flying Squirrel? Will John Archer's grief and rage prevent him from wearing the mask of the Red Panda? The answers lie within... The Trojan Horse!
- Write the first section of your page here.
- Outside the compound in Bosnia, Kress orders for containers to be loaded onto a truck. He radios for Zivmovic, telling him they're done with their operation and assuming the convoy is on its way. As he does so, Gabe sneaks out from a doorway and shoots his ankle with his suppressed Mk. 23 pistol. He then taunts Kress, saying that he will show him 'what happens to traitors'. Kress opens up with his AU300 but Logan is behind cover. He runs off to hide somewhere while commanding for troops to kill Gabe.
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fr name
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es lore
| - Si Invocas mediante una Invocación de Sacrificio un monstruo de TIERRA, puedes considerar este monstruo como 2 Monstruos de Sacrificio para la Invocación de Sacrificio.
el name
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Romaji Name
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hr name
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ja lore
| - 地属性モンスターを生け贄召喚する場合、このモンスター1体で2体分の生け贄とする事ができる。
| - Eliminate Kress
Destroy tank
it lore
| - Se Evochi con una Evocazione tramite Tributo un mostro TERRA, puoi considerare questo mostro come 2 Tributi per l'Evocazione tramite Tributo.
pt name
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| - When Tribute Summoning an EARTH monster, you can treat this 1 monster as 2 Tributes.
pt lore
| - Se você Invocar, por Invocação-Tributo, um monstro da TERRA, você pode tratar este 1 monstro como 2 Monstros Tributo para a Invocação-Tributo.
it name
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| - Richard Kress
Goran Zivmovic
trans name
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| - MDS-A3
AU-300 H-BAR
SMAW Anti-Tank
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de lore
| - Wenn du ein ERDE Monster als Tributbeschwörung beschwörst, kannst du dieses Monster als 2 Tributmonster für diese Tributbeschwörung behandeln.
ko name
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de name
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es name
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wc6 sets
| - Soul of the Duelist
All Effect Monsters
All at Random
fr lore
| - Si vous faites l'Invocation Sacrifice d'un monstre TERRE, vous pouvez traiter cet unique monstre comme 2 Monstres Sacrifices pour l'Invocation Sacrifice.
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database id
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| - Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
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| - Zivmovic Prijateljstvo soldiers
Richard Kress
Goran Zivmovic
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ar name
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Ja Name
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| - Vogosca, Bosnia: Tuzla Munitions Ltd - Machine Courtyard
| - Foiled but not vanquished, the villainous Nightshade and her crew of mercenaries have gone to ground, hiding while they rebuild and preparing to loose new terrors on the city in the name of their Nazi paymasters. Can Kit Baxter lead the fight as the Flying Squirrel? Will John Archer's grief and rage prevent him from wearing the mask of the Red Panda? The answers lie within... The Trojan Horse!
- Write the first section of your page here.
- Outside the compound in Bosnia, Kress orders for containers to be loaded onto a truck. He radios for Zivmovic, telling him they're done with their operation and assuming the convoy is on its way. As he does so, Gabe sneaks out from a doorway and shoots his ankle with his suppressed Mk. 23 pistol. He then taunts Kress, saying that he will show him 'what happens to traitors'. Kress opens up with his AU300 but Logan is behind cover. He runs off to hide somewhere while commanding for troops to kill Gabe. With the cutscene over, control transfers to the player. A pair of suited ZP thugs are opposite Gabe, but can quickly be killed by shooting the explosive shell close to them. When they're dead, a few more soldiers will zipline into the courtyard. Gabe kills another wave, before missile launcher-brandishing enemies appear. He drops them as well, and Kress reappears himself. Mocked by Logan, he engages his nemesis, but Gabe ultimately triumphs, avenging Pvt. Janzen. Another cutscene will then play. Gabe hears a tank approach, and assumes it is a peacekeeper, only for it to fire its main cannon - Logan barely takes cover as it goes off. He realises Zivmovic must have hijacked it, and searches the area for an anti-armour missile launcher. Waiting for the tank to pause, he patiently assaults it, destroying its three panels. He then climbs onto the top and drags out a dead Zivmovic as Teresa radios him, realising Kress probably gave Zivmovic's troops data relating to the United Nations. Logan concurs, saying that Kress was a Red Section mole working in the UN as a medical officer, and asked how the organisation could get somebody inside the UN. He questions how many more young soldiers like Janzen will die before they get answers, and the mission ends.