Colleen (voiced by Tress MacNeille) is a fictional anthropomorphic dog from the action/comedy cartoon Road Rovers that premiered in September 1996 on Kids' WB. She is a rough collie from the United Kingdom (as is evidenced by her cockney accent) and the only female in the group. She is apparently the second-in-command, right behind Hunter. She was a street dog prior to joining the Road Rovers, which serves as a good explanation for her fighting skills, as she is an accomplished martial artist in her Cano-sapien form and, as seen in the first episode, uses a similar fighting style as an ordinary dog. She apparently enjoys the flexibility and freedom of movement that come with her Cano-sapien form, as she is often visible in the background performing motions resembling a cross between ballet
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| - Colleen (voiced by Tress MacNeille) is a fictional anthropomorphic dog from the action/comedy cartoon Road Rovers that premiered in September 1996 on Kids' WB. She is a rough collie from the United Kingdom (as is evidenced by her cockney accent) and the only female in the group. She is apparently the second-in-command, right behind Hunter. She was a street dog prior to joining the Road Rovers, which serves as a good explanation for her fighting skills, as she is an accomplished martial artist in her Cano-sapien form and, as seen in the first episode, uses a similar fighting style as an ordinary dog. She apparently enjoys the flexibility and freedom of movement that come with her Cano-sapien form, as she is often visible in the background performing motions resembling a cross between ballet
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| - Colleen (voiced by Tress MacNeille) is a fictional anthropomorphic dog from the action/comedy cartoon Road Rovers that premiered in September 1996 on Kids' WB. She is a rough collie from the United Kingdom (as is evidenced by her cockney accent) and the only female in the group. She is apparently the second-in-command, right behind Hunter. She was a street dog prior to joining the Road Rovers, which serves as a good explanation for her fighting skills, as she is an accomplished martial artist in her Cano-sapien form and, as seen in the first episode, uses a similar fighting style as an ordinary dog. She apparently enjoys the flexibility and freedom of movement that come with her Cano-sapien form, as she is often visible in the background performing motions resembling a cross between ballet and slow-motion martial arts during briefings or while the other Road Rovers are discussing a situation in the foreground.