| - Showing superior fighting skills and magical prowess to every other ninja, The Void soon became Joe Musashi's arch-enemy when he was supposedly instrumental in the capture of his girlfriend, Naoko. After this, he lured Musashi into a trap at the Ibakari Province base, hoping to kill him. He then witnessed the ninja infiltrate the Tokyo headquarters and tricked him into walking into a death-trap. Unfortunately for The Void, the trickery was reversed when Musashi used prana to feign death before taking Naoko back. The pair later met in a darkened alley with The Void gaining an advantage by shielding Musashi's haragei. Aided by the Iron Hand technique, The Void almost won until his power backfired once Musashi used prana again to draw power from the Earth. With his magical hand withered and unable to fight, The Void was ordered to pass on a message to his masters, stating that Musashi wished to no longer be followed. It is unknown what happened to The Void after this defeat, but it can be assumed that he was removed from his position after the humiliating defeat and future inability to use magic. The Four Elements also left his service and joined the Yakuza.