| - Philip Kovals was a human Insurrectionist. Born in 2520 in a settlement on Victoria beyond the lands authorized for colonization on the planet by the colonial government, Kovals lived in a culture hostile to the Unified Earth Government from a young age. Although he never cared for the vitriol against the UEG that seemed to encompass some visitors to the town's lives, Kovals became more ideologically radical in the aftermath of a disease that ravaged the community, which the population, looking for a scapegoat, blamed upon an Office of Naval Intelligence plot to destroy the settlement. Swept up in the ideological fervor, Kovals joined a unit of the Victorian Independent State in early 2537 becoming an aide to the unit's medic, Kevin Mathurin, having gained some medical experience after dea
| - Philip Kovals was a human Insurrectionist. Born in 2520 in a settlement on Victoria beyond the lands authorized for colonization on the planet by the colonial government, Kovals lived in a culture hostile to the Unified Earth Government from a young age. Although he never cared for the vitriol against the UEG that seemed to encompass some visitors to the town's lives, Kovals became more ideologically radical in the aftermath of a disease that ravaged the community, which the population, looking for a scapegoat, blamed upon an Office of Naval Intelligence plot to destroy the settlement. Swept up in the ideological fervor, Kovals joined a unit of the Victorian Independent State in early 2537 becoming an aide to the unit's medic, Kevin Mathurin, having gained some medical experience after dealing with the disease in the settlement. Later that year, the unit aided in the taking of Agley, with Kovals and Mathurin setting up an aid station to triage and treat wounded rebel fighters. In the aftermath of the uprising, with the establishment of the Independent State as a governing entity, and with it a military, the two medics became the strongest proponents of dedicated medical personnel being provided to units. Eventually, Mathurin's proposal was accepted in 2539, and he was promoted to the rank of Major, given the responsibility to begin training medics for both the military and militia. Already having field experience, Kovals was part of the first training group, trained by Mathurin and various other medical personnel, mostly civilians, which finished its course of training in late 2541. With pro-UNSC partisan groups being formed and the need for medics with training more advanced than basic first aid knowledge becoming more and more evident, the graduates of the new class were assigned to frontline units, with Kovals assigned to the Victorian Airmobile Forces. Due to the unit's constant deployment to the frontier to fend off incursions, Kovals saw nearly constant combat throughout his career, before being killed during an artillery barrage in the Battle of Agley.