| - Horatio Nelson ist ein Mensch des 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhunderts. Mehrfach begegnete er dem Doctor. In der Episode The Sea Devils erwähnt der Dritte Doctor, Nelson wäre ein guter Freund von ihm.
- Horatio Nelson oli tunnettu brittiläinen amiraali. Nelson
- Horatio Nelson était un officier militaire britannique du 18ème et 19ème siècle. (Réalité extrapolée *)
- thumb|200px|Nelson chorujący na niedobór rumu Horatio Nelson Mandela (ur. 29 września 1758, zm. 21 października 1805) – wielki dowódca brytyjski, który dzięki częstemu popijaniu rumu podczas walk doprowadził do tylu zwycięstw floty brytyjskiej. Obecnie jest dla żeglarzy z całego świata wzorem, pijakiem i bohaterem szant.
- Horatio Nelson (1758-1805) was a British admiral whose naval command prevented Napoleon's invasion of the United Kingdom. In the It's Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart sketch the TV show "Famous Deaths" closes with the supposed death of Horatio Nelson. A clip shows the admiral being thrown out of a window and crashing on the ground saying: "Kiss Me Hardy". (In reality he was shot during the Battle Of Trafalgar.)
- Honor Harrington of the Royal Manticoran Navy once compared Admiral Hamish Alexander, Earl of White Haven, to Lord Nelson. (HH10) Nelson was, on the other hand, very comparable to Harrington herself, as they had both lost an arm and eye in battle.
- Horatio Nelson was born with a full compliment of arms, legs and eyes in Norfolk, England in 1758 to the Reverend Edmund Nelson and wife Catherine. His father - taking the Christian maxim about going forth and multiplying - kept his wife in almost constant labour as he wanted to breed a 'Cricket eleven'. Horatio came in to 'bat' as number six which usually means he was a bit of an 'all rounder'. In British naval terms this also suggested sexual ambiguity but Nelson was definitely keener on frocks and kept a chest of contemporary fashions in his cabin when he became an officer.
- A 22nd century Earth starship, the HMS Lord Nelson, was named after him. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder" ) While deciding whether or not to retreat from a Borg cube laying in wait for the USS Enterprise-D in 2366, Captain Picard thought of Nelson. Talking with Guinan, he recalled the Admiral's tour of the Victory preceding his final battle. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds" )
- Sir Horatio Nelson ist ein Offizier der Royal Navy seiner Majestät. 1805 führt er seine Flotte im Rang eines Admirals gegen eine vereinigte Flotte aus französischen und spanischen Schiffen in der Schlacht von Trafalgar. Nelson wird auf seinem Flaggschiff, der HMS Victory verwundet und kehrt nicht mehr in seine Heimat zurück. Geordi La Forge baut 2365 ein Modell der HMS Victory für seinen früheren Kommandanten Captain Zimbata, von der USS Victory. (TNG: )
- While Nelson never appears as a living person, references are made to him in both the novels and the TV series: He is mentioned in Hornblower and the Hotspur briefly. In Hornblower and the Atropos, Hornblower is in charge of Nelson's funeral procession, with the Atropos as flagship of the procession. Bush compares Hornblower to Nelson in The Happy Return. In A Ship of the Line, reference is made to Nelson's seasickness by Hornblower in an attempt to calm himself. In Flying Colours, Sir Thomas Hardy is mentioned as having a portrait of Nelson in his cabin.
- He twice met the second incarnation of the Doctor, once as he was about to be killed on the HMS Victory, and once shortly before that. From the Doctor's point of view, their first meeting was when he, Ben and Polly materialised on the Victory. Ben, a fellow sailor, was very eager to meet Nelson, and convinced Nelson that he should send the famous battlecry, "England expects that every man this day will do his duty," to the rest of his fleet. The Doctor, for his part, attempted to change history and prevent Nelson from being killed, but he was unsuccessful. During the whole of the encounter, Nelson seemed more amicable to the TARDIS crew than did his flag captain, Thomas Hardy. (PROSE: H.M.S. TARDIS)
- Horatio Nelson (September 29, 1758 – October 21, 1805) was a Human who lived on Earth during the 18th and 19th centuries. A citizen of the United Kingdom, he began a career in the Royal Navy at the age of 12, and rose to become one of the most famous Admirals in British naval history. Starfleet later honored Nelson's flagship by commissioning the Constellation-class USS Victory. Lieutenant Geordi La Forge once built a scale model of the HMS Victory as a gift for Captain Zimbata. (TNG episode: "Elementary, Dear Data")