| - Deep Space Nine is a Federation outpost on the edge of Cardassian space. The station belongs to the Bajorans, a race of spiritual people whose home planet Bajor was until recently occupied by the Cardassian. After many years of terrorist attacks by the Bajorans, the Cardassians withdrew from Bajor. The Bajoran Provisional Government has asked the Federation for help with the immense task of rebuilding Bajor after the occupation. A small Federation crew under the leadership of Commander Benjamin Sisko have established a presence on the space station.
- Star Trek Deep Space Nine był trzecim serialem sagi i pierwszym serialem, którego twórcą nie był twórca sagi Star Trek –Gene Roddenberry. Pierwsza emisja serialu w USA trwała od 3 stycznia 1993 roku do 2 czerwca 1999 roku.
- <default>Star Trek: Deep Space Nine</default> Abreviatura Creadores Estudio Fechas de producción Periodo de emisión Episodios Fragmento temporal Star Trek: Deep Space Nine es la tercera serie de la saga Star Trek de acción realista. Se emitió originalmente en los EEUU, en el primer plazo de distribución desde enero de 1993 hasta mayo de 1999, y es la primera serie de Star Trek no creada por Gene Roddenberry. También es la única serie Trek que se emitió junto con otras series Trek, dentro de su plazo de emisión; en donde coincidió en el periodo de 1993-1994 con Star Trek: The Next Generation, y en el periodo de 1995-1999 con Star Trek: Voyager.
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is the first Star Trek television series to be created by someone other than Gene Roddenberry. It was created by Rick Berman and Michael Piller but set in the universe originated by Roddenberry. Majel Barrett made several guest appearances on the show reprising the role of Lwaxana Troi from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (or DS9) was the third live action Star Trek television series, which aired from January 1993 to June 1999. During the original broadcast of the series and after it ended, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine spawned numerous other stories in prose, comics and other media.
- Star Trek: Deep Space 9, ovvero Passeggiata Stellare Spazio Profondo numero 9 (ma un nome più lungo non sapevano inventarselo!), abbreviato DS9 dai fan Trekkiani, è l'ennesima serie dedicata alla telenovela fantaqualcosa creata da due sceneggiatori idioti.
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine je v pořadí třetím hraným seriálem ze světa Star Treku a zároveň jde o první dílo, které nebylo vytvořeno Genem Roddenberrym. Hudbu ke znělce zkomponoval Dennis McCarthy.
- More sinister than that, Deep Space Nine has recently been discovered to be a key part of a plot to "get the people into space." Network executives have confirmed that the character of Benjamin Sisko was meant to inspire black people to leave behind their miserable lives on Earth and go in search of opportunity elsewhere in the universe.
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (sometimes abbreviated to ST: DS9 or DS9) is a spin off from Star Trek: The Original Series.
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine first aired in 1993. Set at about the same time as TNG (2369), it is the only Trek series set on a space station instead of a starship. This relatively fixed setting (near the planet Bajor) allowed the series to develop much longer story arcs (including the Dominion War, which spanned seasons, not just episodes) and complex character relationships. The series ran for seven years.
- thumb|Der Schriftzug der Serie [[Datei:DanubeDS9.jpg|thumb|Deep Space 9 mit Wurmloch und Runabout]] [[Datei:Defiant Front.jpg|thumb|Die USS Defiant]] „DS9“ leitet auf diesen Artikel weiter, für die Raumstation siehe Deep Space 9. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Abkürzung DS9) war die erste und bisher einzige Star Trek-Serie, die auf einer Raumstation spielt. Die sieben Staffeln umfassen die Zeitspanne von 2369 bis 2375.
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Fool's Gold is published by IDW. Cover price is $3.99.
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was a Star Trek television series that was set aboard station Deep Space 9 during the 24th century.
- Deep Space Nine utspelar sig på en rymdstation som heter DS9 (Rymdstation).
- Deep Space Nine koos een andere weg dan de voorgaande series. De serie speelde zich af op het ruimtestation Deep Space 9, in tegenstelling tot de andere series waarin het sterrenschip Enterprise altijd centraal stond. Deep Space Nine had een grote groep DS9 terugkerende karakters|terugkerende karakters. Enkele bekende karakters zijn Nog, Rom, Elim Garak, Dukat, Winn Adami, Weyoun, de Vrouwelijke vormverwisselaar, Damar, Martok, Kasidy Yates, Leeta, Brunt, Ishka en Zek.
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is an American science fiction television program that premiered in 1993 and ran for seven seasons, ending in 1999. Rooted in Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek universe, it was created by Rick Berman and Michael Piller, at the request of Brandon Tartikoff, and produced by CBS Paramount Television as a syndicated show.
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is set on Space Station called Deep Space Nine. The station was originally built by the Cardassians in orbit of a planet called Bajor during an occupation for sixty years. After a resistance was able get rid of the Cardassians, a new government is formed, it is called the Bajoran Provisional Government, this new government asks the United Federation of Planets for help. In response Starfleet Command has placed a Starfleet crew on Deep Space Nine, commanded by Commander Benjamin Sisko. Sisko discovers an Wormhole leading from the Alpha Quadrant to the Gamma Quadrant. Located inside the wormhole is the Celestial Temple, which is the home of the Prophets. The Prophets are gods to the Bajoran people. Due to the discovery of the wormhole, Deep Space Nine has been move
- La série a été diffusée pour la première fois en syndication sur les écrans américains de Janvier 1993 à Mai 1999 et a été la première série à ne pas avoir été créée par Gene Roddenberry. Canal Jimmy traduit l'ensemble de la série, reprenant les mêmes comédiens de doublage pour les personnages apparus dans TNG. Canal Jimmy la diffuse pour la 1ère fois en France le 27 octobre 1998. Au Québec, elle fut diffusée par Ztélé à partir du 30 août 2001.
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was TNG for adults. Sort of like Torchwood is to Doctor Who. Except that they couldn't swear on DS9. And it wasn't Welsh. And nobody was gay. (citation needed) At least not openly. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Oh, it includes Morn in almost half the episodes. Deep Space Nine was the best and most important Star Trek show ever. It dealt with serious topics not ever seen before in Star Trek - like space, aliens, rayguns, morality, and religion. (grumble, fucking trekkie fucks, grumble) Behind the Scenes