| - Heavily patrolled by the city watch, many of the best craftsmen in Birthalis are located here. Whether its a noble in need of a very decorative addition to their house or person, or an adventurer in need of high quality arms or gear, they're likely to find those with the skill in Wonder Street. Not as old as the Copperhouse area, the buildings tend to be newer. The area was at first a center for alchemists and herbalists. Most stores devoted to the two specialties are located there. Healers throughout the city rely on the steady production of potions and salves to help them in their own jobs when they don't have the time or skill to produce the items themselves. The most successful family craftsmen moved or expanded into the area as the city itself grew. Within the shops, tools passed down through the generations find use pushing the boundaries of the crafts they were made to assist. Equally important to successful adventurers, some of the shops in the area buy, as well as sell, rare treasures. Though Xalar's Exotic Items is the most renowned, its owner tends to buy only the rarest or most exquisite items. Other shops take up the slack and, significantly, tend to pay a fairer price.