| - 328 - nieistniejąca linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa, która kursowała na trasie z Rakowca na Plac Trzech Krzyży.
- Vanessa und Jenny leiden unter dem Zerwürfnis mit ihren Eltern. Trotzdem blickt Vanessa - mit der Unterstützung ihrer Schwester - dem Siedlungskampf positiv entgegen. Anscheinend hat sie die Rechnung ohne Jenny gemacht. Bestärkt durch Oliver kümmert sich Diana um erste Weihnachtsvorbereitungen und versucht, ihr Leben wieder in Angriff zu nehmen. Aber wird es Oliver auch gelingen, Diana zurück aufs Eis zu holen? Maximilian und Ingo werden immer mehr zu Rivalen. Lena ist mit der Situation überfordert und will Maximilian aus ihrem Kopf bekommen. Bei ihrer nächsten Begegnung zeigt sie ihm die kalte Schulter. Das fällt ihr schwerer, als sie dachte...
- El trescientos veintiocho (328) es el número natural que sigue al 327 y precede al 329. Categoría:Números
- Barnabas Collins anxiously paces the Old House parlour when Dr. Julia Hoffman arrives to report on Willie Loomis' condition. Willie remains in a coma and, in all probability, will never awaken. This is not good enough for Barnabas, who decides that his former servant must die tonight. Back at the Old House, a deputy arrives to inform the Sheriff of Willie's recovery. Patterson is determined to get the truth out of Willie before the night is over.
| - 328 - nieistniejąca linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa, która kursowała na trasie z Rakowca na Plac Trzech Krzyży.
- Vanessa und Jenny leiden unter dem Zerwürfnis mit ihren Eltern. Trotzdem blickt Vanessa - mit der Unterstützung ihrer Schwester - dem Siedlungskampf positiv entgegen. Anscheinend hat sie die Rechnung ohne Jenny gemacht. Bestärkt durch Oliver kümmert sich Diana um erste Weihnachtsvorbereitungen und versucht, ihr Leben wieder in Angriff zu nehmen. Aber wird es Oliver auch gelingen, Diana zurück aufs Eis zu holen? Maximilian und Ingo werden immer mehr zu Rivalen. Lena ist mit der Situation überfordert und will Maximilian aus ihrem Kopf bekommen. Bei ihrer nächsten Begegnung zeigt sie ihm die kalte Schulter. Das fällt ihr schwerer, als sie dachte...
- Barnabas Collins anxiously paces the Old House parlour when Dr. Julia Hoffman arrives to report on Willie Loomis' condition. Willie remains in a coma and, in all probability, will never awaken. This is not good enough for Barnabas, who decides that his former servant must die tonight. Julia tries to dissuade Barnabas from his plan. After all, Willie is surrounded by people day and night. Barnabas should let him die naturally instead of raising more suspicion. But the vampire is not willing to risk the chance of Willie waking and betraying his secret. However, Julia stops Barnabas in his tracks when she tells him Sheriff George Patterson will be paying him a visit. It seems the Sheriff has more questions for him regarding Willie and wishes to search Willie's room for more clues proving Willie to be the Collinsport Strangler. Although this angers Barnabas, Julia believes he might turn the situation to his advantage. Indeed, Barnabas decides to plant incriminating evidence in Willie's room for the Sheriff to find. Meanwhile, at the Collinsport Hospital, Dr. Dave Woodard is examining a coma-tent shrouded Willie as Sheriff Patterson looks on. It will be a miracle, Woodard observes, but there is a slim chance Willie might recover. Patterson reveals his doubts concerning Willie being responsible for abducting Maggie Evans. It is only a feeling, but the Sheriff believes Willie can tell them the true identity of the Collinsport Strangler...if he lives. Having kept Maggie's ring, Barnabas decides to hide it in Willie's bedroom in order to implicate his former servant in her kidnapping. He places it in a candlestick beneath the candle. Then, Barnabas orders Julia to return to the hospital and to continue to pose as consulting physician to Dr. Woodard. She balks at his suggestion to murder Willie should he begin to wake. Barnabas points out that Julia has as much to lose as he does should Willie talk. Back at the hospital, Sam Evans pays a visit to Patterson and Woodard. It seems he also has doubts about Willie being the man who abducted Maggie. Too many things don't add up, and it is a long way from being an open-and-shut case. Sam decides to tag along with the Sheriff to the Old House. Before he departs, Patterson orders Woodard not to let anyone talk to Willie in case he happens to recover. Later, Sam and Sheriff Patterson arrive at the Old House. Barnabas leads the two men to Willie's room. There, they begin to search. Sam inquires about Willie's activities, and Barnabas tells him that Willie was free to do whatever he wished once his work was finished. The search over, neither Patterson or Sam find anything. But Barnabas "accidentally" knocks over the candle in which Maggie's ring is hidden. Sam confirms that it belongs to Maggie and that she was wearing it the night she disappeared. The Sheriff is now convinced of Willie's guilt. Julia checks on Willie's progress, and Woodard informs her his heart rate has increased a little. She claims to feel guilty for not having shared her suspicions about Willie with her colleague. Suddenly, Willie moans in pain and begins to wake from the coma. Woodard rushes out of the room to inform the Sheriff. Alone, Julia is torn with indecision. Can she really take Willie's life? Back at the Old House, a deputy arrives to inform the Sheriff of Willie's recovery. Patterson is determined to get the truth out of Willie before the night is over.
- El trescientos veintiocho (328) es el número natural que sigue al 327 y precede al 329. Categoría:Números