| - OVERVIEW The Elder Scrolls Online v1.2.2.0 is an incremental patch for Xbox One that addresses many issues found in Orsinium and Maelstrom Arena since their release. We've also made fixes and improvements that impact general combat and gameplay, UI, and more! Content FIXES & IMPROVEMENTS, DLC GAME PACKS Dungeons & Group Content Imperial City Orsinium FIXES & IMPROVEMENTS, BASE GAME PATCH Art & Animation Combat & Gameplay Crown Store Dungeons & Group Content Miscellaneous Quests & Zones UI FIXES & IMPROVEMENTS, DLC GAME PACKS Dungeons & Group Content Dungeons General
* Fixed an issue where the Normal versions of the bosses in White-Gold Tower and Imperial City Prison would occasionally grant less loot than intended when killed. Imperial City Prison
* Flesh Grenades now can be thrown by werewolves, and the werewolf transformation will no longer be removed when getting in proximity of a Flesh Grenade. Public Dungeons Rkindaleft
* The group event will now correctly take 20 minutes to respawn for anyone with the achievement, and two minutes to respawn for anyone without the achievement. Imperial City General
* The area beneath the ladders in the Imperial Sewers will no longer have a location based immunity. Instead, anyone that enter the Sewers from the Districts will have a timed immunity buff similar to the buff when traveling from District to District.
* Fixed an issue where you would occasionally be unable to progress through the central event in the Imperial Sewers.
* The central event found in the Imperial Sewers will now respawn faster when no player characters are present in the central chamber. Patrolling Horrors
* Migoruz: You will no longer be able to trick Migoruz, and must now fight him as intended. Orsinium General
* Fixed an issue where the quest pins inside the Daggerfall Bookbinders and Company Store and Halsinan's House would point to the incorrect location.
* Fixed an issue where the legendary fish in Wrothgar could be caught outside of the intended conditions. If you'd like to test your luck, there's a rumor that an orc named Atorag may have seen some unusual fish behavior along the coast, west of Morkul Stronghold.
* Fixed an issue that was causing many fishing holes in Wrothgar to not grant fish if three or more people were fishing together. Fishing with your buddies is a time-honored tradition in Wrothgar, and is once again supported.
* Para Bellum: Fixed an issue where this item set was appearing to stack multiple times, potentially preventing you from receiving additional buffs or debuffs. Crafting
* Rogjoll the Mule will no longer duplicate himself when multiple player characters turn in crafting writs at the same time. Itemization
* Increased the drop rate of the Maelstrom Weapons from the Maelstrom Arena weekly leaderboard mail. You now have a 100% chance to receive a Maelstrom Weapon if you are on the weekly leaderboard, previously a 50% chance.
* The purple-quality set items found in the Wrothgar Daily Contract Recompense containers will now scale to your level, rather than always being VR16. Maelstrom Arena General You no longer receive a Maelstrom Shield as a stand-alone reward from completing Maelstrom Arena. Instead, Maelstrom Shields will always be awarded whenever you receive a Maelstrom Sword or Mace.
* Arena 2: Seht's Balcony
* Fixed an issue where the damage from Spinning Blade and Serrated Blade was magicka-based rather than physical, as originally intended.
* Arena 3: Drome of Toxic Shock
* Replaced the Strangler grapple ability with a spit ability which will snare and damage you.
* Arena 5: Rink of Frozen Blood
* Angirgoth's Rapid Strikes ability will now display the proper icon in the Death Recap UI.
* Arena 6: Spiral Shadows
* Reduced the bonus damage that the Champion of Atrocity receives once reaching the maximum enrage point.
* The ability Call Lightning will no longer damage you after the boss has been defeated.
* Berserkers will no longer cast Heated Blades, which would cause your attacks to miss.
* Werewolves can now throw Venom Grenades, and the werewolf transformation will no longer be removed when getting within proximity of a Venom Grenade.
* Fixed an issue where webspinners and the spider swarm had a chance to appear immediately after The Champion of Atrocity recovered from the obelisk's stun ability. The webspinners and the spider swarm now correctly wait at least 15 seconds before appearing.
* Monsters that are spawning in no longer attack immediately after the portal visuals have completed. This also fixes ranged attackers from squeezing in a ranged attack before being stunned when all the obelisks are clear of webs.
* Venom Grenades that self-destruct will now do a small amount of damage to nearby player characters, and will apply a debuff to nearby monsters, increasing the damage they take.
* Fixed an issue were the obelisks would stop glowing, thus providing protection from the Spiderlings. The summoned Spider Daedra no longer cast Sticky Web, specifically in normal mode.
* Arena 7: Vault of Umbrage
* The Argonian Minder's shield will now immediately protect you from the Enraged Scream if you are standing within the shield's radius as it forms.
* The healing debuff from Volatile Explosion will now correctly reduce healing by 75% in Veteran mode.
* The Wamasu will no longer show as interruptible while it casts Impending Storm.
* Arena 8: Igneous Cistern
* Fixed multiple issues with the Flame Knight's Standard of Might:
* The damage from the Standard will no longer impact you when standing outside of the telegraph.
* Removed the double damage tick that was incorrectly affecting player characters inside the telegraph.
* Added a UI indication on the Flame Knight's health bar when she is being buffed by the Standard.
* When the Standard despawns, the effects will now be immediately removed from you and the Flame Knight.
* The effects from the Standard no longer apply immediately when the spell is cast; the effects will wait a second to allow the Standard to impact the ground.
* Removed the ability to block the ticking damage as this is a persistent Area of Effect attack.
* The Infernal Destroyer's Lava Tremor ability will now only strike once, even if all three line attacks contact you.
* Arena 9: Theater of Despair
* Voriak Solkyn can no longer be stunned at the beginning of the final round. After using a portal to travel to the upper level, the animations will be removed sooner, and you will not be stunned as long.
* Moved the location where you portal in; the new location is outside the range of the Lava's Molten Destruction.
* Voriak Solkyn no longer immediately casts another ability after you successfully interrupt his Necrotic Swarm.
* Fixed an issue where killing a summoned Crematorial Guard would interrupt Voriak Solkyn's casting.
* Fixed an issue where you were unable to cast Spectral Explosion while in werewolf form. In addition, an animation will now display when casting Spectral Explosion.
* You will now be able to use Spectral Explosion when standing next to a Sigil.
* You will now be immune to the Lava's Molten Destruction while using the portals to the upper level.