| - Sadeet was a male Trandoshan bounty hunter and mercenary, who worked for both Black Sun and the Hutt Crime Syndicate, changing allegiance based on who was paying better. Sadeet was an adversary of both Max Silvstedt and his arch-nemesis, Quickshot Calway. He would often pit them against each other in hopes that one would remove the other from the equation for him, but this rarely turned out well for him. Sadeet was seemingly impossible to kill, he once took a blaster bolt to the face at point-blank range from Calway before getting back up a few minutes later and coming after Calway for revenge, and on another occasion he was shot with a sniper rifle by Ora Fiarr'jeg and stood back up while she was still watching him through her scope. Silvstedt was the only human who ever defeated Sadeet in hand-to-hand combat, Sadeet took this as an extreme affront to his honor and swore vengeance. For the next several years, no matter where Silvstedt was Sadeet would pop up. Even on Zurek in 17 ABY, when Silvstedt was on an above-top-secret mission from New Republic Intelligence, Sadeet somehow found out about it and turned the planet into a battleground. The fighting on Zurek literally cost Sadeet an arm and a leg, and he was not seen or heard from again after that. However, since Trandoshans can regenerate severed limbs it's entirely possible that he's out there somewhere, completely healthy again, planning his next move.