| - Shonen Man (少年マン, Shounen Man) is an s-class hero belonging to the valiance federation. He inexplicably developed supernatural powers and abilities which manifest themselves in a convenient response to tropes and situations which are generic in shonen manga and anime. This has resulted in him developing quite the impressive roster of powers and abilities, however ironic the nature of his powers, and in many cases, he has the ability to develop new powers on the fly in response to the situations he finds himself in. He is a hero whose powers and abilities consist of a wide and extremely potent series of techniques, attacks, physical abilities, and seemingly a never ending series of extremely powerful transformations, which he is consatntly tapping into.
| - Shonen Man (少年マン, Shounen Man) is an s-class hero belonging to the valiance federation. He inexplicably developed supernatural powers and abilities which manifest themselves in a convenient response to tropes and situations which are generic in shonen manga and anime. This has resulted in him developing quite the impressive roster of powers and abilities, however ironic the nature of his powers, and in many cases, he has the ability to develop new powers on the fly in response to the situations he finds himself in. He is a hero whose powers and abilities consist of a wide and extremely potent series of techniques, attacks, physical abilities, and seemingly a never ending series of extremely powerful transformations, which he is consatntly tapping into. As a hero whose power is fueled by the very combat and the struggles that he faces when he engages his enemies, shonen mans powers have quickly proliferated and grown to the point that he can easily be considered one of the strongest most powerful men on planet earth, has he possesses a seemingly limitless pool of potential which allows him to quite literally pull random powers and techniques out of thin air in response to any foe that he is facing at a certain point in time. Because of this, shonen man has become responsible for vanquishing some of the strongest evil beings and monsters ever to show themselves on planet earth, though not without engaging in intense struggle every single time, such is the very nature of his powers and abilities, which seemingly forces him to suffer in battle. His extended service to the people of planet earth is something which has caused him to become one of the most popular and wealthy heroes on the planet, particularly among children, his status as a chroma league hero in the valiance federation being proof enough that he is considered one of the strongest, having an enormous plethora of movies, comics, TV shows, animated series, and pieces of merchandise which having come into existence thanks to his sheer popularity among the masses. Like all chroma league heroes, shonen man is continuously working under highly lucrative, wealthy and powerful celebrity clients whom pay him en masse for lending them his services, power, and generally acting the role of a body guard, and because of this its rather rare to see him in person, lat alone to actually find him ever responding to a threat or a disaster any more due to his obligation to protect his clients, which is a cause he shows great loyalty in.