| - Write the text of your article here! 1. Amelia
* Pidgey, Lv. 12 Image: Normal.gifImage: Flying.gif
* Doduo, Lv. 14 Image: Normal.gifImage: Flying.gif
* Emolga, Lv. 15 Image: Electric.gif Image: Flying.gif TM 62- Acrobatics 2- Wendy
* Toxicroak, Lv. 20 Image: Poison.gifImage: Fighting.gif
* Arbok, Lv. 22 Image: Poison.gif
* Whirlipede, Lv. 24 Image: Bug.gifImage: Poison.gif TM 09- Venom Shock 3- Valinor
* Cacnea, Lv. 27Image: Grass.gif
* Snover, Lv. 27 Image: Grass.gif Image: Ice.gif
* Lilligant, Lv. 30 Image: Grass.gif TM 53- Energy Ball 4- Professor X TM 19- Telekenesis
| - Write the text of your article here! 1. Amelia
* Pidgey, Lv. 12 Image: Normal.gifImage: Flying.gif
* Doduo, Lv. 14 Image: Normal.gifImage: Flying.gif
* Emolga, Lv. 15 Image: Electric.gif Image: Flying.gif TM 62- Acrobatics 2- Wendy
* Toxicroak, Lv. 20 Image: Poison.gifImage: Fighting.gif
* Arbok, Lv. 22 Image: Poison.gif
* Whirlipede, Lv. 24 Image: Bug.gifImage: Poison.gif TM 09- Venom Shock 3- Valinor
* Cacnea, Lv. 27Image: Grass.gif
* Snover, Lv. 27 Image: Grass.gif Image: Ice.gif
* Lilligant, Lv. 30 Image: Grass.gif TM 53- Energy Ball 4- Professor X
* Elgyem, Lv. 30 Image: Psychic.gif
* Duosion, Lv. 30 Image: Psychic.gif
* Alakazam, Lv. 32 Image: Psychic.gif TM 19- Telekenesis 5- Gastron
* Cofagrigus, Lv. 35 Image: Ghost.gif
* Spiritomb, Lv. 36 Image: Ghost.gifImage: Dark.gif
* Chandelure, Lv. 40 Image: Ghost.gifImage: Fire.gif TM 30 Shadow Ball 6- Suzanne
* Flareon, Lv. 41 Image: Fire.gif
* Blaziken, Lv. 42 Image: Fire.gif Image: Fighting.gif
* Magmortar, Lv. 42 Image: Fire.gif
* Heatmor, Lv. 45 Image: Fire.gif 7- Alfred- Ground
* Gastrodon, Lv. 45 Image: Water.gif Image: Ground.gif
* Stunfisk, Lv. 45 Image: Ground.gifImage: Electric.gif
* Seismitoad, Lv. 48 Image: Water.gifImage: Ground.gif 8- Ross- Ice
* Beartic, Lv. 55 Image: Ice.gif
* Mamoswine, Lv. 55 Image: Ice.gif Image: Ground.gif
* Walrein, Lv. 56 Image: Ice.gifImage: Water.gif
* Delibird, Lv. 58 Image: Ice.gif Image: Flying.gif Elite Four Cleo(Normal)
* Lopunny, Lv. 60 Image: Normal.gif
* Ciccino, Lv. 60 Image: Normal.gif
* Sawsbuck, Lv. 62 Image: Normal.gifImage: Grass.gif
* Slaking, Lv. 62 Image: Normal.gif
* Exploud, Lv. 63 Image: Normal.gif Victor(Steel)
* Magnezone Image: Electric.gifImage: Steel.gif
* Porygon-Z Image: Normal.gif
* Klingklang Image: Steel.gif
* Ferrothorn Image: Grass.gif Image: Steel.gif
* Aggron Image: Steel.gif Image: Rock.gif Benjamin(Electric)
* Luxray, Lv. 64 Image: Electric.gif
* Ampharos, Lv. 66 Image: Electric.gif
* Lanturn, Lv. 66 Image: Water.gifImage: Electric.gif
* Zebstrika, Lv. 64 Image: Electric.gif
* Galvantula, Lv. 67 Image: Bug.gif Image: Electric.gif Cruella(Dark)
* Liepard, Lv. 66 Image: Dark.gif
* Drapion, Lv. 68 Image: Dark.gif Image: Poison.gif
* Weaville, Lv. 66 Image: Dark.gifImage: Ice.gif
* Mightyena, Lv. 68 Image: Dark.gif
* Mandibuzz, Lv. 69 Image: Dark.gif Image: Flying.gif