| - Class
- None
- AlbumBy the Sword (album) Sung by NovelBy the Sword (novel) Lyrics by Music by Listen on YouTube
- not found (warrior.gif) Warriorは肉弾戦の中心となるClassです。彼らの特徴は非常にタフであること、武器と戦術に熟達していることです。Warriorは様々な技 能を持ち、足の指から爪先までも戦闘の為の存在そのものです。World of WarcraftのWarriorは、戦闘時に使用する様々な技能を持っています。 Warriorの熱い戦いは、恐れや呆ける事とは無縁のものです。特に狂戦士、Berserker Stanceの状態では、貴方は襲い掛かるFearやIncapacitateを解除するSkillが使えるようになる事でしょう。 各Stanceには、再使用が長い代わりに、大変強力な限定Skillがあります。 集団戦においては、まさに「斬り込み」というにふさわしい突撃系Skillを駆使します。一瞬にして相手の布陣を破壊、復旧させるよりも早く壊滅に追い込む事によって、その勝利は揺るぎないものとなるでしょう。
- Warriors are monsters located in the Al-Kharid, Ardougne, and Varrock palaces. They can be pickpocketed at level 25 thieving for 18 coins and 26 experience if successful.
- Warriors are fighters, pure and simple. There is little formality to their fighting style. Although sometimes they may band together and fight in small squads, they are individualistic fighters, each one fighting how he thinks best. Formations, movements, drilling mean little to them. Each one uses the weapons and style that suit him, that he is best at--and they are all good at what they do.
- So why become a Warrior? They are stronger, and can use a huge variety of weapons and armor. Plus, you can go three different paths. I also prefer the passive skills of the Warrior above the other skills of other classes. I'm talking about "Improving HP Recovery", which improves the amount of HP you get back when standing still for a while, and "Endure", which makes it able to get HP back when hanging in a rope, or climbing a ladder.
- A Warrior (or Warrior Bug, sometimes Soldiers) is bred to serve as the infantry of the Bug forces. A Warrior is single minded and relentless.
- Clark meets Zatanna at a comic book convention where she tells him her father charmed a copy of the comic book Warrior Angel and it holds magical powers. A little boy named Alec steals the comic book and develops super powers as well as gains a few years of age, transforming himself into Warrior Angel and saving Chloe from a horrible accident. Meanwhile, Lois becomes jealous of Clark's relationship with Zatanna.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ <default>Warrior</default> File:Image needed.jpg Stats Type Weight Value Enchantment Displays Museum Deepholme Technical info Origin RefID 0001AFE0
- Архетип Воин (Warrior) представляет собой три класса: Blood Warrior, Adept, и Wrathguard. В то время как основной атрибут зависит от отдельного класса, body является вторичным атрибутом для всех Воинов, поскольку многие навыки архетипа Воин используют Физическое состояние (physique). Кроме того, хотя у Воина есть несколько дальнобойных навыков, основу составляют навыки ближнего боя. Эти навыки могут изучить и другие архетипы (Spellcasters и Rogues) на 50 уровне.
- Warrior Passive99,999 sec
* +15% Physical Damage bonus strength
* +5% All Energy Damage bonus strength
* +15 Critical Severity
- A harcos (angolul warrior) a World of Warcraft alapvető fizikai kasztja. Nem használ a klasszikus értelembe vett mágiát, a harc folyamán felgyülemlett dühét (rage) fordítja az ellenség legyőzése ellen. Ereje és állóképessége az egyik legnagyobb, ezért képes mindenfajta páncéltípust hordani, pajzsot fogni és a pálcák kivételével mindenféle egy- és kétkezes fegyvertípust forgatni. Képes komoly sérülések okozására, de akár társai megvédelmezésére is.
- The Warrior, @, is a human which can be found on the Valkyrie quest. Many warriors reside in the same room as the Norn. They are generated peaceful, and are fond of getting in your way. They also provide different messages when chatted to. This page is a . You could probably [ expand this page] should you wish to do so.
- Warriors who fight for payment are known as Soldiers.
- A warrior is a person skilled in combat or warfare, especially within the context of a tribal or clan-based society that recognizes a separate warrior class or caste.
- The Warrior is a Champion unit from the Clan Box. Table of Contents: Quick Stat & Upgrades | Strategy (+/-) __TOC__
- File:Risen2 logo 104.png File:Risen3 logo.png The Warrior is a dangerous, mindless Shadow appearing in Risen 2 and briefly in Risen 3. They appear to be deceased natives that have been raised again, from the Shaganumbi, Maracai, or Kila tribes. SPOILERS FOLLOW
- The Warrior archetype consists of three classes: Blood Warrior, Adept, and Wrathguard. The primary attribute for Warriors is always body. A lot of Warrior archetype skills use the physique state. Also, the majority of Warrior skills are melee-based, although they do have a few ranged skills. These skills may be learned by the other two archetypes (Spellcasters and Rogues) at level 50.
- Warrior er høyt utdannede krigere i kunstene våpen. De er sterke og raske på slagmarken. Slik at de kan håndtere store mengder skade, de er også i stand til å tåle store mengder skade for å beskytte andre gruppemedlemmer. En Warrior's evner er avhengig av raseri. Dette er forskjellig for alle, men en nærkamp klasse, som druid, nærmere bestemt en druid i Bjørne form. Raseri er generert gjennom skader blir som blir generert til rage og maks raseri er 100. Warriors har flere talenter som kan hjelpe raseri generasjon, slikt som Bloodrage
- Warriors are the hunters and fighters of the Clan, and make up the majority of the Clan's population.
- The Warrior is the a powerhouse class in Fat Princess, meaning that he can absorb the damage while/or inflicting a lot of damage. He has six health points. The Warrior can perform slash attacks with a sword. When locked on to enemies, the Warrior can block projectile attacks with its shield. When the Warrior is upgraded, it can wield a glaive that can perform more powerful charge attack, the glaive adds more damage to enemies. However, when wielding the glaive, the Warrior cannot block attacks.
- Warriors excel at initiation and sustaining fights. On the in-game leaderboard, the amount of damage received by Warriors is tracked by the "Role" column. Warriors generally tend to be low-end to mid damage-dealers, with mid utility, mid to high survivability, and spread in the middle when it comes to complexity. The values in the lists below are provided by Blizzard and are in no way indicative of individual players' experience.
- Ravenflight knew she was ready to fly. She was going to be the best fly warrior, and hopefully the best warrior. She knew what it took to reach the top and she would do what it took. She was the “Reckless Raven” as the other recruits liked to nickname her. Everything was just a simple challenge to her, another victory to add to her score. But after awhile, she realized that it wasn’t just about training, it was about being aware that this was all for a reason. It wasn’t a game. It was war. ~
- Warriors are relentless people who love battle and war. They are skilled in weapons such as swords and axes. They are often taught under Thok, the Warlord in Trainers. They run on Fighter enhancements. Warrior is one of the most chosen classes, aside from Paladin. It is a non-member class. Info
- The Warrior was once a king of a peaceful people who were besieged by violence from a powerful enemy.
- Active Skills | Passive Skills | Builds | Costumes
- All melee weapons
- The warriors are the front line in Regnum. Their presence keeps groups together and allows coordination, while protecting the ranged classes. They lead the charges and punish those who cannot get away fast. The main attribute for warriors is strength. It gives them higher physical damage, spell focus also more space in the inventory. Constitution is also important, since it boosts the health bar and gives resistance against knock/stun.
- The Warrior (戦士 Senshi?) is a recurring job class in the Tales series.
- Minmatar Light Scout Drone. Does explosive damage.
- The Warrior is called Thor here.
- The warrior is a class or path of skills.
- This warrior destroyed the Incursean homeworld.
- Training you can get in the Warrior Class
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- Warrior is a monster.
- Warriors are a canon class in World of Warcraft.
- Warrior can be unlocked by speaking with Drill Sergeant Dewey in Snowhill.
- One of the 3 Job classes available to players when setting up a new game of Dokapon Kingdom. They have a good attack stat starting off, so they are good at the beginning. However, they lack in speed and magic, so the player should invest some stats in those areas. Strong in attack and defense abilities, the Warrior recieves a random boost to his AT at the start of a round.
- Warriors possess many of the attributes of Knights but serve no lord or king, choosing instead to operate independently by their own free will. They are based on the usage of various weapons and tactics while using superior charismatic force.
- A warrior is one of three character classes a player can choose, once they reach level 5 in ASDA Story and Level 10 in ASDA Story 2. They specialize in close-range combat and take more punishment than any other class.
- Warriors are masters of weapons, shielding and hand-to-hand combat. They have greater brute strength than other vocations, and are able to carry more equipment and items at any given level. As a result of their focus on physical skills, warriors are severely lacking in magical abilities.
- Level 30 3dot mob
* River Palace
* 3 dot protector mobs Lv 34 is the prereq for the ability.
- Proposed template: Info/Intro Equipment Skills/Spells 1-99 Master Grand Master Gladiator Special: Warrior Training Grounds Tailoring Stat Plans / Character Builds (Various)
- Warrior is an enemy in Sinjid Shadow of the Warrior that appears during the Human Gateway.
- A Warrior is the most primitive and weakest melee unit found in many of the Civilization games. In all, it is one of the few units that are available from the beginning, as it doesn't need any specific technology.
- The Warrior is the main character of Rise of the Warrior. Native son of Kirra, he seeks vengeance against the General who slew his father and endangered the lives of his people.
- Warriors are the backbone of any society, large or small. They protect the group, hunt for food, and go to war.
- One of three basic vocations that you can select when creating your character. The Warrior uses melee weapons sometimes combined with a shield. Once you have paved your path through Sattnyr Island and arrive at the Island of Judgement you can chose to branch out and become one of four classes, each special in their own way.
- The Warrior . Sometimes, the Warrior is an advanced class of the Fighter. More complex societies and organizations usually forgo the Warrior in favor of more specialized classes, although even in differentiated and advanced forces, a basic combatant may still be classed as Warrior, even if their equipment is highly advanced, if there is no other specialization present.
- When you reach level 10 as a Beginner, aspiring Warriors can go to the Warriors' Sanctuary in Perion and talk to Dances with Balrog, who will advance you to a Swordman. You will be given a HP and MP boost, as well as a basic warrior weapon.
- The warrior is a character class in Divine Divinity.
- The Warrior is the nickname of the player character in Fallout Tactics.
- Warrior is a song by Disturbed. {| class="collapsible collapsed" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
- Warriors are characters who begin with Combat as their primary statistic.
- Warrior is the first level in the Gem Blox Mode section of the Explore Mode in Play Mode in Boom Blox. There are 11 Gem Blox that the player must tumble down in order to complete this level. The player can win Bronze if he/she meets this goal with 3 throws, Silver if 2 throws, and Gold if 1.
- STR + HP Warriors can become a Blade that uses variety of weapons to infict critical damage, or they can become a Protector with high defense ability to protect ally's magicans and priests.
- Warriors are Dragonica's premiere tanking class with both their large amount of health and armor and their ability to deal decent damage in melee range. Their primary role is to be up close in the face of the enemy, taking the hits for party members. In PvP combat, they use their strong stamina as a boon against heavy damage dealers like the Magician. Their primary stats are strength, DEF, and ATK.
- Warrior (Soturi) on yksi pelin parhaimmista tankeista. Warriorit sopivat myö DPS-rooleihin.
- Warrior is a ventus bakugan and the gaurdian bakugan of Cole. It kinda looks like warius but it is much more smooth looking and has the same face has a siege. Instead of having a hammer-like weapon Warrior has a glowing ventus colored sword. This bakugan can talk. This bakugan is a sky raider and has the metal the bakugan do now a days.
- The Warrior is a more powerful and better armoured version of the Peewee with a lower top speed; its role is similar to the Hammer as it does well in front line offense. Unlike the Peewee that utilizes dual-barrelled EMGs, the Warrior only has one, however, it also comes armed with a Stumpy-esque weapon. It has no CORE counterpart.