* Stan previously suggested a second fridge for drinks to the Langley Falls Conservatives in "Lincoln Lover".
* Stan has enough size 42 regular blue suits for a three year rotation.
* Stan as a woman is hit on at Epstein's Bar by a patron that compares him to Megan Fox.
* Bullock's voice is compared to the Beatles when they do interviews, as opposed to when they sing.
* "No Ordinary Love" by Sade plays as Bullock starts to seduce Stan in the hot tub and bed room.
* Roger wears the same "Stelio's contact" disguise he wore in "The Full Cognitive Redaction of Avery Bullock by the Coward Stan Smith".
* Stan mentions replacing the Fruitopia machine with a second fridge because it has sat empty for twelve years. Fruitopia was a fruit-flavored drink from the Coca-Cola company meant to compete with Snapple, but was largely withdrawn from the US market by 2003.
* The scene when Francine crashes into the CIA exterior sign mimics the American Dad! opening sequence.