The story follows Lestat's early life in the 18th century France, through his trials and tribulations as a vampire, to his resurrection as a rock star in 1984. Leaving his unappreciative family, he runs to Paris with his friend and companion Nicolas "Nicki" de Lenfent. Lestat is chosen by the mad rogue vampire Magnus, who orphans him soon after turning him. Left with a fortune and immortality, Lestat abstains seeing anyone from his former life, until his dying mother Gabrielle comes to visit one last time. He transforms her to save her, but abandons Nicki for fear of destroying him. Disaster strikes when Lestat gives in to his urges and adds Nicki to his growing family of undead, and the two soon grow apart due to Nicki’s deteriorating mental health.
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| - The story follows Lestat's early life in the 18th century France, through his trials and tribulations as a vampire, to his resurrection as a rock star in 1984. Leaving his unappreciative family, he runs to Paris with his friend and companion Nicolas "Nicki" de Lenfent. Lestat is chosen by the mad rogue vampire Magnus, who orphans him soon after turning him. Left with a fortune and immortality, Lestat abstains seeing anyone from his former life, until his dying mother Gabrielle comes to visit one last time. He transforms her to save her, but abandons Nicki for fear of destroying him. Disaster strikes when Lestat gives in to his urges and adds Nicki to his growing family of undead, and the two soon grow apart due to Nicki’s deteriorating mental health.
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| - The story follows Lestat's early life in the 18th century France, through his trials and tribulations as a vampire, to his resurrection as a rock star in 1984. Leaving his unappreciative family, he runs to Paris with his friend and companion Nicolas "Nicki" de Lenfent. Lestat is chosen by the mad rogue vampire Magnus, who orphans him soon after turning him. Left with a fortune and immortality, Lestat abstains seeing anyone from his former life, until his dying mother Gabrielle comes to visit one last time. He transforms her to save her, but abandons Nicki for fear of destroying him. Disaster strikes when Lestat gives in to his urges and adds Nicki to his growing family of undead, and the two soon grow apart due to Nicki’s deteriorating mental health.