| - Semicolon cancer is a dangerous cancer, often overlooked by doctors. Sometimes it is passed off as just regular Colon Cancer, or sometimes it's mistaken for a really bad case of gas. This is very deadly, though, because if left untreated, Semicolon Cancer can cause extreme bloatage of your semicolon, and is known to cause Bleeding of the Comma, Exploding Periods, or even worse,
| - Semicolon cancer is a dangerous cancer, often overlooked by doctors. Sometimes it is passed off as just regular Colon Cancer, or sometimes it's mistaken for a really bad case of gas. This is very deadly, though, because if left untreated, Semicolon Cancer can cause extreme bloatage of your semicolon, and is known to cause Bleeding of the Comma, Exploding Periods, or even worse, Semideath. Some symptoms of Semicolon cancer is a sore comma, period, or enlarged semicolons.If you believe you have Semicolon cancer, go to a Doctor or a Computer Technician immediately, because Semicolon cancer is not a joke. Make sure to get your semicolon checked out, especially if you have a history of Semicolon Cancer in your family. Sometimes, Semicolon cancer is simply called ;Cancer, and can be very secretive, sometimes you won't even know you have it until it's in the final stages.