| - Synesthesia was a neurological phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory pathway led to the experience of another sense through a second sensory pathway. In 2377, after being infected by an Ardanan parasite, Fabian Stevens experienced a form of synesthesia when he reported seeing colors, which corresponded with crew-mates' voices and other sounds. (CoE eBook: Signs from Heaven)
- It is a proven fact, by us, doctor men, that synesthetic individuals are utterly bat fuck insane. This has led to many synesthetics believing that sounds are visual stimulus (see: things you see) and that things seen are auditory stimulus. This will lead to many synesthetics reporting, for example, that certain sounds look like colors, that they hear colors, and this makes perfect sense. However, we, doctor men, do not believe them for a second. It's just another fad, like chlamydia and AIDS.
- Synesthesia is the sensation of perceiving one type of sensory input with one of the other senses. The most common of these is perceiving sounds through vision, but many other possibilities exist. Synesthesia is very common during hallucinations, particularly while using hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD. In addition, many persons with eidetic memory (aka photographic memory) or savant syndrome often have synthetic experiences throughout their whole life. For example, many persons with idetic memory perceive individual letters in text as each having a distinct color.
- Synesthesia is seen by some not as a defect, but a gift. __NOEDITSECTION__ It's a gift if you get curious enough to immerse yourself in learning about how it works. The explaining part so others can understand is the tough part. It's the ability to see how everything works together (quantum cognition) by finding and then following your passion. We are born very curious trying to make sense of the world around us but as we grow, face adversity, hear that who we are is not good enough as we try our best to follow and feel love and accepted from others. We forget to accept ourselves, love ourselves. We think we're lacking something and once we find it we'll be whole. Until we loose our shame, fear of not being accepted, feeling we're unworthy, loose our anxiety and overwhelm as we race to kee
| - It is a proven fact, by us, doctor men, that synesthetic individuals are utterly bat fuck insane. This has led to many synesthetics believing that sounds are visual stimulus (see: things you see) and that things seen are auditory stimulus. This will lead to many synesthetics reporting, for example, that certain sounds look like colors, that they hear colors, and this makes perfect sense. However, we, doctor men, do not believe them for a second. It's just another fad, like chlamydia and AIDS. The purpose of this case study is so that we, doctor men, can present to you, the laymen, an accurate depiction of just how unutterably ridiculous the idea that synesthesia could ever be classified as a real condition is. There are many more problems that require our attention, such as video game addiction, homosexuality and the Emo virus. Also, we're considering giving you a lobotomy, because you probably just laughed at the last sentence.
- Synesthesia is seen by some not as a defect, but a gift. __NOEDITSECTION__ It's a gift if you get curious enough to immerse yourself in learning about how it works. The explaining part so others can understand is the tough part. It's the ability to see how everything works together (quantum cognition) by finding and then following your passion. We are born very curious trying to make sense of the world around us but as we grow, face adversity, hear that who we are is not good enough as we try our best to follow and feel love and accepted from others. We forget to accept ourselves, love ourselves. We think we're lacking something and once we find it we'll be whole. Until we loose our shame, fear of not being accepted, feeling we're unworthy, loose our anxiety and overwhelm as we race to keep up we'll continue to spin and run and hide and blame and bully and manipulate and lie and deflect and cower and be a martyre and take, and be jealous of others and all the other compensation skills we learned to use when we were young just trying to survive. We will not make it without seeing we are equal, not in a race, help people around us, share the wealth and let our lights shine. EVERYONES Trying to find there potential. It's not lost. When you give up on trying to control the world around you, judging others as if you have no mistakes and just find love and compassion you've made it. expect good things to come. Stop believing and know it will. our education is uneducating us. More peoe know this than don't yet real change remains to be seen. Get curious. Get grateful. Show appreciation. Everyone wants, not many are willing to give, with there whole hearts. Artists have been trying to express this in color and sound, arts and music for ions. It took us too long to agree with those who've told us the world may not really be so flat for thousands of years before others accepted there perception of thought to change the images in their minds, resistance creates our suffering. Once we loose the fear of changeing our own perceptions of who we are, we're then able to be truly authentic and accept ourselves as well as others. We can't give what we don't have for ourselves which is patience, love, forgiveness, appreciation, acceptance, understanding, strength, connection and worthiness. That's what synthesesia can do. Bring us back to the place before we felt judgement before we began to judge. ~Bonnie Ihme
- Synesthesia is the sensation of perceiving one type of sensory input with one of the other senses. The most common of these is perceiving sounds through vision, but many other possibilities exist. Synesthesia is very common during hallucinations, particularly while using hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD. In addition, many persons with eidetic memory (aka photographic memory) or savant syndrome often have synthetic experiences throughout their whole life. For example, many persons with idetic memory perceive individual letters in text as each having a distinct color. However, in a patient who is presenting with synesthesia who has not experienced it before, it is often a symptom of a serious underlying condition. For example, it is a symptom of Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome as well as being a common symptom of brain tumors and other less serious disorders of the brain such as tuberous sclerosis. In Distractions, House had synesthesia during his LSD trip which led him to perceive musical notes as colors. In The Right Stuff, the patient had attacks where she perceived all sounds as visual phenomena.
- Synesthesia was a neurological phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory pathway led to the experience of another sense through a second sensory pathway. In 2377, after being infected by an Ardanan parasite, Fabian Stevens experienced a form of synesthesia when he reported seeing colors, which corresponded with crew-mates' voices and other sounds. (CoE eBook: Signs from Heaven)