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- Enemy in Shadow Hearts: Covenant
- The Raiden is the main ranged unit of the Crincillin ground forces. It combines power, durability, and flexibilty to create a well rounded unit. In it's ground form, it functions as an assault unit that excels against all ground unit types. Able to shrug off a few shots before becoming seriously hurt, the Raiden makes a great defense unit as well. But even as good as it is, it still suffers from a few flaws. Its biggest weakness is that on the ground it is unable to adequately target aircraft, making it a ground assault unit only. Also, even though it has decent armor, it is weak to dedicated anti-infantry attacks. Lastly, the Raiden has no legs, it instead hovers a foot above the ground. This gives them the ability to hover over water, making it amphibious.
- Raiden was a pandaren geomancer. He created caps called the Cap of Raiden, which offered resistance to electricity, and could store power to shock enemies.
- Raiden is an upcoming character .that will be introduced in Day of the diesels 2. like Curren.he will be a robot engine and will both be able to travel on the rails and walk on the sidewalks
- Raiden (「三太」?; Sanda) is a ghost who can be found at night in Sei'an City's Commoner's Quarter. He can be found beside the canal outside Mr.Chic's shop, between the willow trees. Mrs.Fan, Mr. Chic's wife, tells Amaterasu about him and how their customers doubt he really exists. However, despite everyone's fears, Raiden is actually peaceful and quite lonely; he would be quite grateful if Amaterasu talks to him. He tells her that he died from being struck by lightning, which is the source of his electrical discharge. If Amaterasu uses him as a source for Thunderstorm, he is happy to find a new use for his powers[Citation needed].
- Real Name: Jack Age: 25 Hair: Gray Eyes: Blue Discription: Raiden was a former special agent who was expiremented by the Patriots. He wants to prevent WWIII by causing harm to both sides.
- Raiden was Tetsubō's owned brave and strong bear dog. Tetsubō had trained his dog fearless and ate it without hesitation even bear meat. Jūzaburō tried to warn Tetsubōa saying that the hunting dog should learn cautious, but Tetsubō did not listen. When the hunters were chasing big bears, Raiden and Fubuki drove to the cliff face. Fubuki funds in a bear attacks, but fearless Raiden went to catch the bear's leg and could not look out for when the bear killed it by crushing its head under his paw.
- Raiden was a criminal from the 21st century who was accidentally transported into the 24th century while running from police officer Lei Sanchez. (Star Trek: Reloaded)
- Raiden is the Thunder God of the MK universe. Leading the warriors of Earthrealm against Outworld and Shao Kahn, Raiden and his thunderbolts are to be feared.
- Raiden (jap. 雷電), geboren im Jahr 1986, ist Soldat und eine der Hauptfiguren der "Metal Gear"-Reihe. In dem Glauben ein Mitglied der Sondereinheit FOXHOUND zu sein, war er in Metal Gear Solid 2 maßgeblich an der Aufklärung des Big Shell Vorfalls beteiligt. In Metal Gear Solid 4 übernimmt er abermals eine wichtige Rolle und tritt erstmals als Cyborg in Erscheinung. Metal Gear Rising zeigt sein Leben als Mitglied der privaten Militärorganisation Maverick Security Consulting, Inc.
- Raiden is a main character from the Metal Gear Solid series. This version brought into the Multiverse is the one from Metal Gear Rising. He was picked up by his player on May 2nd, 2014.
- Raiden (雷電 Raiden?), real name Jack, also known as Jack the Ripper, White Devil, and Snake, was a Liberian-American mercenary and former special forces soldier. Previously a child soldier under Solidus Snake, Raiden was later selected by the Patriots to test the S3 Plan at the Big Shell, as a new recruit to the reformed FOXHOUND unit. He later worked alongside the Paradise Lost Army in their anti-Patriot activities, but was captured and forced to undergo heavy cybernetic experimentation. After successfully escaping, Raiden went on to assist Solid Snake during the Guns of the Patriots Incident.
- Raiden was the Rokugani term for lighting.
- Raiden is a jet black Dragon that is obtained through the Marketplace.
- Após seus pais serem assassinados por Solidus Snake, foi criado como filho adotivo deste. Aos 6 anos foi treinado para ser um soldado e lutou em guerras civis, onde ganhou vários apelidos devido à sua grande capacidade em combate. Após o fim da guerra civil, participou de um programa de reenquadramento social para crianças soldados do governo americano, e cresceu como um cidadão comum.
- RAIDEN is a Production Model Armored Core NEXT seen in Armored Core: For Answer.
- Raiden é o deus do Trovão, protetor do plano terreno. Um dos poucos personagens mais presentes em todos os jogos da franquia Mortal Kombat.Com frequência ele lidera as forças do bem contra o mal e tem um papel essencial na história e nos jogos da série. Tem muitas habilidades como teletransporte, controlar raios e voar, e usa um bastão Staff como arma. O seu corpo é mortal, porém é imortal.Ele pensa em termos de eternidade, e não como um ser humano e suas memórias vão desde o começo dos tempos. É improvável que ele possa ser morto, mesmo se sua forma humana for destruída, ele tornará a se rematerializar posteriormente em algum lugar. Propício a ser um Elder God assim como Fujin,Shinnok e Argus.
- Raiden is a character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series. He is one of the few original characters, debuting in the first Mortal Kombat game.
- Raiden first made its debut in September 1990. The game was distributed in Japan, North America by Fabtek, Taiwan by Liang HWA Electronics, Korea by IBL Corporation, Hong Kong by Wah Yan Electronics, Malaysia as well as other countries.
- Raiden's Level Up bonus increases Strength by 2. Because Odin is the only esper in the original game to give a Level Up bonus to Speed, many players kept him rather than transforming him into Raiden. The Advance and mobile versions adds new espers, making Odin no longer the only esper with a Speed bonus.
- Questa tecnica prende il nome del Dio del Tuono " Raiden " della popolare cultura della mitologia giapponese. Raiden = rai (雷, tuono), den (電, luce). Nel manga e anime la tecnica viene talvolta erroneamente tradotta col nome di Catena del fulmine o Corda elettrica che sono dei nomi impropri.
- In VI, Raiden can be obtained by giving the Odin Magicite to the Queen's statue. The tear that is released from the statue's eye will hit the Magicite, thus transforming it into Raiden. Raiden's name comes from Japanese mythology, in which a god of the same name is a god of thunder and lightning - appropriate for this lightning based summon.
- Ships with Raiden as stock equipment Equipment that consume Raiden during improvement Ranking reward for July in 2016 E-1 Hard reward in Fall 2016 Event
- Raiden was a planet settled by humans that was ravaged by a mutated desease some time prior to 1883 PD. (HHA2.3: QG)
- Raiden oder Merciless Thunder ist ein Ninja-Arte des Elements Blitz.
- Raiden (name written in Japanese, Romaji name) is a missing-nin from Kirigakure. She is known for her special robotic right eye, made by her father.
- Raiden (雷電) is one of the few original characters in the first Mortal Kombat game, and in addition, is the one of the few characters to have appeared in every generation of Mortal Kombat games as a playable character.
- He was long considered for The King of Fighters series and he finally made his debut in The King of Fighters XII. Developers wanted to add him as the big burly guy for the cast. The reason they didn't choose his face counterpart was due to the overall insistence to add a giant, evil character. His official nickname is The Out-of-Control Giant. He is based on professional wrestler Big Van Vader, who was quite popular in Japan in the 1990s. __TOC__
- Raiden, es un personaje que ha aparecido en la serie de videojuegos de lucha y películas Mortal Kombat. Conocido también como El Dios del Trueno es el antiguo protector de Earthrealm (El Reino de la Tierra). Es también, uno de los personajes más populares de la saga.
- He's unpredictable and a super show off by his sister's terms.
- thumb|left|Kakashi trennt mit Raiden die Chakra-Arme der Bijuu ab Raiden ist ein Raiton-Jutsu von Kakashi Hatake, das er zum ersten Mal im vierten Shinobi-Weltkrieg gegen die von Tobi kontrollierten Bijuu einsetzt. Dabei lässt er zuerst einen Schattendoppelgänger entstehen, wonach beide jeweils ein Raikiri in verschiedenen Händen formen. Danach verbinden beide die Techniken zu einer Raikiri-Kette, die sich mit Leichtigkeit durch Objekte hindurchschneidet.
- Raiden is the main protagonist of the Dragonball: Raiden Chronicles series. Raiden is a Saiyan born on the Planet Saiya and he is the son of Rokai and Yukina. However one day the evil Emperor Shisaku killed his father and destroyed his home planet but he was able to escape along with his best friend Kuro.
- __FORCETOC__Raiden (ライデン Raiden?) is a character introduced in Transformers: The Headmasters. He is a Cybertron combiner formed from all six Trainbot members; Kaen, Getsuei, Seizan, Shōki, Suiken, and Yukikaze. He maintains an active rivalry with the Destron combiner Devastar who is similarly formed from six components.
- Raiden, es uno de los personajes principales de la serie de videojuegos y peliculas Mortal Kombat. Conocido también como El Dios del Trueno es el antiguo protector de Earthrealm (El Reino de la Tierra). Es también, uno de los personajes más populares de la saga.
- Raiden, Rayden, también llamado Lord Raiden, es el dios del trueno y protector del Reino de La Tierra. Posteriormente es conocido como Dark Raiden tras su resurrección durante los eventos de Mortal Kombat Deception. Fue nombrado Dios Antiguo cuando evitó el resurgimiento del dios caído Shinnok, pero debió renunciar a su estatus tras la amenaza de la Alianza Mortal. Debutó en el primer videojuego, como un personaje seleccionable inspirado en uno de los villanos de la película Big Trouble in Little China, y además está basado en uno de los dioses shinto de la religión japonesa llamado Raijin.
- Raiden is a character appearing in Pokémon: Johto League Champions.
- Raiden (雷電), also spelled as Raven, is the main protagonist of the Mortal Kombat fighting game series. He is one of the few original characters, that appeared in the first Mortal Kombat game.
- Styling himself in the manner of a Japanese Emperor much like Yu, Raiden maintained a moderately-sized power base in a remote area of Goa'uld space bordering Yu's domain. It was because of this close proximity that the two Goa'uld often battled over the planets between their two domains and, despite Yu's greater numbers, the battles were evenly matched with each Goa'uld claiming victory on one world only to suffer defeat on the next.
- Raiden var en Goa'uld som aldrig uppnått rangen av Systemherre, trots att äga ett litet imperium i Vintergatan galaxen. Han sades ha förhindrat mongolerna från invaderande Japan genom att skicka ner en skur av blixtar pilar på sina flottor, det är okänt om det fanns någon sanning i detta, men det är möjligt att "blixtar pilar" i själva verket var Ma'Tok stav blaster. Vad är känt är att Raiden försvarade land av Nihon från mongoliska anfallare och, som straff för att attackera, tog han mongolerna från Jorden till en värld av Simarka där de tjänade honom till dess att deras eventuella uppror.
- Raiden (and Raiden Drone) is a fully transformable combo model designed by Kawamori Shoji of Macross fame. While comissioned by LEGO for this (and other) promotional designs, they are not part of Exo-Force due to copyright ownership by SATELIGHT (copyright holders of Macross). Raiden (and Raiden Drone) is the second VAN-Force combo model, made from Stealth Hunter, Grand Titan, and Thunder Fury. This combo model's instructions and sticker set were awarded for purchasing a special three-pack of LEGO Exo-Force sets at a number of conventions in Asia.
- Raiden (otherwise known as Jack) is MGS2's pretty blond protagonist who is probably best known for sneaking around an enemy base completely naked. His cartwheel is a thing of perfect beauty and ultimate might. It can defeat anything and is far superior to Snake's roll. Raiden is voiced by Quinton Flynn and has the world's most horrible girlfriend. Good thing he has his R2 comments to keep him going. "Not a chance!"
- Raiden è in grado di insegnare al giocatore la magia Rapidità a velocità x1, che blocca il tempo per tutti i personaggi in campo, eccetto chi ha lanciato la magia, per due turni. Fornisce inoltre un bonus di +2 alla forza ad ogni level up. Il suo attacco, Shin-Zantetsuken, ha lo stesso effetto della Zantetsuken di Odino, ma costa 80 MP anzichè 70 ed ha una probabilità di successo più alta.
- Jack, apodado Jack el Destripador y Demonio Blanco, de nombre en clave Snake, y posteriormente Raiden, es un miembro de una unidad de fuerzas especiales de la era digital, entrenado mediante Realidad Virtual. En su papel de nuevo miembro de la unidad FOXHOUND, fue el responsable de la resolución del incidente de la toma de Big Shell (el incidente de Manhattan), que terminó con la muerte de Solidus Snake.