| - thumb|400px|Angra como Príncipe Demonio. Angra Mainyu era un comandante de los Portadores de la Palabra y uno de los lugartenientes favoritos de Kor Phaeron durante la Herejía de Horus. Más tarde ascendió a Príncipe Demonio, pero cayó en desgracia y fue transformado en un Engendro del Caos.
- Angra Mainyu (alt: Aŋra Mainiuu) is the Avestan-language name of Zoroastrianism's hypostasis of the "destructive spirit". The Middle Persian equivalent is Ahriman.
- Angra Mainyu (also known as Aŋra Mainiiu), also called by his Middle Persian name Ahriman, is the powerful god of evil and destruction and darkness in Zoroastrianism and is comparable to The Devil in some Judao-Christian religions, however, unlike most portrayals of Satan, Angra Mainyu is seen as a deity rather than a demon (though the two can overlap). Like Satan who is the enemy of God, Angra Mainyu is the adversary of his twin brother Ahura Mazda, the Zoroastrian god of light and truth. Angra Mainyu is seen as a chaos god as well as a destroyer deity - although he is also seen as "evil", he is not recognized as a god of evil, though he does come close. His name means "destructive spirit" or "frightful spirit".
- 'The Real Holy Cross' On iRO, this item is localized as Angra Manyu.
- Angra Mainyu was a Baali High Priest who authored several blasphemous texts.
- In Zoroastrian belief, Angra Mainyu is the personification of evil who eternally opposes the personification of good, Spenta Mainyu (his twin brother). He is considered an eternal destroyer, bringer of death, disease, and ruler of darkness. Angra Mainyu first introduced disease, frost, heatwaves, and any other form of suffering. He is also the being that created Azi Dahaka (also called Dahak), a terrible dragon which ravaged the Earth. His symbol is the snake and he lives in a dark realm, the place where all evil go (Zoroastrian equivalent of Hell). Angra Mainyu is also known as Ahriman (the name more popular in the Western culture's fantasy genre). Angra Mainyu is Persian for "evil spirit". Angra Mainyu is considered an analogue to the Christian Satan, however, unlike Satan, Angra Mainyu