| - The Royal Navy, or RN, is primarily concerned with the defense of the high seas surrounding the Canissian peninsula and the general defense of the Royal People's Republic of Canissia. Canissian defense philosophy is that once something leaves the 12-nautical-mile sovereignty zone of any surrounding nation, and enters internationally recognized High Seas Territory, it becomes of interest to the Royal Navy. The RN does have limited force-projection capacity in the form of its Carriers and Amphibious Assault craft; however, by themselves these vessels and their escorts do not have sufficient combat strength to overwhelm a large, organized and determined enemy without outside help in the form of larger international coalitions. For limited-duration assaults, however, the Marines, Fleet Air Arm, RAF 1st and 2nd Air Commands, and the Canissian Army II-Airborne Corps frequently practice together for combined air-superiority-airborne-amphibious operations, a powerful and likely overwhelming combination of forces.