| - Mal is a yellowish very precious metal also known as Laure and Culu but commonly referred to as gold. Very pure gold was also known as Naukomalda while Gold with traces of silver was known as mal quendi.
- Gender: Male Title: Games Color: Red Friends: Everyone Enemies: Nobody He is a player 4. He is in Level 10. He was the contestant for this season.
- Mal was a Human male police officer with the Coruscant Security Force during the time of the Cold War between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. Officer Mal was assigned to the Old Galactic Market district of the planet Coruscant. There, Mal tried to fulfill his duty of keeping the peace; however, he was hampered by a lack of resources and the fighting between CSF police forces and Migrant Merchants' Guild thugs. On one occasion, Mal was approached by a refugee Nautolan named Nik Deleru whose mate, Ria Deleru, had been taken by the Guild. Though Mal was unable to assist, an individual offered to help retrieve Ria.
- Mal (also called "The Malevolent One") is the evil personality of Mike, as well as was one of Mike's alternate personalities sealed up in Mike's mind and the main antagonist in Total Drama All-Stars.
- Mal ist eine Fähigkeit des Fähigkeitenbaumes Halunke der Schurke-Klasse in Dragon Age II.
- → antonyme(s) : bo 1.
* mal → dany, dolor 2.
* mal de mar mal de mer → mareig 3.
* mal francès syphilis → sífilis 4.
* mal de cap mal de tête → migranya, cefalàlgia 1.
* mal, difficilement → antonyme(s) : bé
- thumb|right|200px|Avatar Mala z Nowego Forum Mal, MalDae – użytkownik starego (moderator) i nowego forum CM. Nielubiany przez większość użytkowników. Zwycięzca w FA#4 w kategorii „najmniej lubiany user” oraz „najbardziej kontrowersyjny user” (także w FA5).
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mal]] mal (“‘illness’”).
- Mal is the protagonist from the Disney Channel film, Descendants. She is the daughter of Maleficent. She appeared in the Descendants Party, introducing herself to the player when first logging in to the party, and giving them the Descendants Party interface.
- Mal es la protagonista de la película Descendants.
- Le mal n'ayant jamais jugé opportun de se personifier, il est demeuré à son état natif d'énergie élémentale.
- Mistral remarque que mau est féminin dans la locution mon det me fai una mau, me fai una bèla mau, 'mon doigt me fait bien mal'
* mau d'amor mal d'amour
* mau de còr mal de cœur
* mau de costat point de côté
* mau de dents mal de dents
* aver mau de dents avoir mal aux dents
* mau de gosier mal de gorge
* mau de sant mal qui ne peut être guéri que par un saint, en Dauphiné
* mau de maire hystérie
* mau de femnas, mau dei bobas maladie vénérienne, syphilis
* mau de mar mal de mer
* mau de tèrra scorbut
* mau de la tèrra mal caduc
* tombar dau mal (p.) ou del mal (l.) tomber du haut mal
* mau de nòu mes grossesse
* mau d'enfant, mau de l'enfant mal d'enfant
* èstre au mau
- mal invariable [ˈmal] 1.
* mal → desacertadamente, difícilmente, imperfectamente, impropiamente, inapropiadamente, infelizmente, insuficientemente, malamente
* Pedro se conduce siempre mal Pedro se conduit toujours mal
* Antonio lo hace todo mal Antonio fait tout mal, il ne réussit jamais rien, il fait tout de travers
* de mal en peor de mal en pis
* mal que bien que cela plaise ou non ; tout compte fait, quand bien même, bien ou mal fait
* singulier : mal [ˈmal]
* pluriel: males [ˈmales] 1.
* mal, contraire du bien, chose moralement répréhensible → deshonra, falsedad, inconveniente 2.
* mal, tort, offense, chose mauvaise en général → calamidad, daño, desgracia, maldad, ofensa 3.
* mal, maladie → dolencia, enfermedad
- Mal was the manager of the lap dancing club La Belle where Cheryl Gray worked and where Lloyd Mullaney managed to obtain a contract for Street Cars to ferry the girls to and from their place of work. A small, seedy man who fancied himself, he was verbally threatening towards the girls when they were late for work and he felt they were short-changing them. Lloyd wasn't impressed with his managerial style.