| - Previously on Criminal Case... David Jones: , I'm glad all this mess is over. Jones: Kerry Ann kinda fooled us, but at least, she seems to be doing just fine on her own. Eduardo Ramirez: <Rank> ! King wants to see you in his office, it's about Kerry Ann Buxton. Jones: Speak of the devil... I bet she'll ask us to find some other things with a great "sentimental value". Ramirez: No, it's really serious! SHE'S DEAD! Jones: WHAT?! SHE'S DEAD?!? Chief King: ! It seems that something has been left out during the Hank Buxton's murder investigation... Jones: But, Chief! Hank Buxton's killer was apprehended! gave it a hundred percent and succeeded! Chief King: Yes, but apparently, a hundred percent is not quite sufficient. So, make sure, you leave no stone unturned this time! Chief King: Needless to say, I also want you to act fast and quietly. I don't want the press getting wind of this before you're through. Is that clear enough? Jones: Loud and clear, Chief! The day is still young, we need to strike while the iron is hot! Jones: Come on, ! No time to lose! Let's go to the Buxton Mansion!