- If Sofia is selected as the player character, she starts her journey in Dacapo Town in Urobos. She is given one of the three starters of the Urobos region. Sofia goes on to gather the eight Badges of Urobos, stop the plans of Team Aurum and conquer the Pokémon League. If Sofia is not selected as the player, she will be the player's rival and friend. She begins her own journey at the same time as the player, receiving a starter at the same time as the player does.
- Sofia är huvudstaden i Bulgarien. Loki tog en person från huvudstaden för hitta ett bot mot Asgards cellulär nedbrytning. (SG1: "Fragile Balance")
- Sofia was a mercenary who worked as part of Carlo Mancini's Cybertek security team.
- Sofia was an Italian nurse Indiana Jones met during World War I. After being injured in the Dolomites, Jones was cleared for service and assigned to go to Venice with Sofia. They seduced each other on the journey, but went their separate ways when Jones headed out to Morocco for his mission with the French Foreign Legion.
- Sofia was the cousin of Jorge Marquez, also known as Zapata.
- Sofia is a journalist working at The Hand that Feeds she is a new member to the 'all-boys club' as Zoë calls it. Zoë mentions that she is standoffish and hard to talk to, and when she does mention Sofia to Reza he appears surprised that they are friendly yet Zoë tells him they aren't. When Zoë asks about Reza and Sofia's relationship Reza says "Friendly? I guess. We only talk about work, But so do Sully and I, and we're best friends." Reza later remembers that Sofia is out on an interview, and that she won't be back at work today.
- miniatur| Das Wappen von Sofia Die Universitätsstadt Sofia ist die Hauptstadt von Bulgarien und liegt im Verwaltungsbezirk Oblast Sofia-Stadt und wird von der Oblast Sofia umschlossen. Sie ist in 24 Stadtbezirke gegliedert.
- Sofia is from Mundania. She is the fourth wife of Humfrey and mother of his third son, Crombie. She is also known as Sofia Mundane or Sofia Socksorter. After Crombie was grown, she left Humfrey and returned to Mundania. She returned later when Rose was in Hell. She has a large family in Xanth.
- Sofia is the capital and largest city in Bulgaria. It has a population of about 1,400,000 people.
- Sofia (София, Sofiya) is a town in Bulgaria.
- Sofia - stolica Bułgarii.
- Sofia es la capital de Balgaria.
- Sofia is a woman who appeared in "War Cries".
- Eine kleine Bar in der Wrangelstraße mit gemischt schwulem, lesbischem und Hetero-Publikum. Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Fr ab 9 Uhr, Sa, So ab 11 Uhr
* Bar Sofia
- Sofia var en kvinnlig Jeronaner från Jerona. Hon är dotter till Carolina och Daniel och hon var deras första dotter. kategori:Jeronaner
- Sofia is a member of Remnants. She is the daughter of Jacob. She is the military leader of the Remnants.
- Sofia is de studentenkring van het departement Rechten aan de UA. De afdeling aan de UFSIA werd opgericht in 1960 en die aan de UIA in 1972. Sinds 2005 zijn de twee praesidia samengevoegd tot één praesidium.
- Sofia is an armadillo in Spyro: Shadow Legacy who lives in Cliff Town. She helped her daughter Isabel bake some muffins for Brigid's party after Spyro found the ingredients. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by editing this page for Spyro.
- Girl who had come to the parallel world because of the crystal you've accidentally touched. Seeking Scale and crystal ball needed to return to the original world go Hidden power-up is allowed while avoiding jump the enemy.
- Sofia was a character that appeared in season eleven. She also appeared in season fourteen. She was played by Halle Tomlinson.
- Sofia was a mercenary employed by Cybertek to safeguard the transportation of merchandise across Italy. She was part of Carlo Mancini's security team.
- Sofia is the capital city of Bulgaria. The Nod forces had to deal with Mobius and his forces when they surrounded his hospital in the capital to cure illness out of civilians.
- The daughter of Theophilia, though she dosen't know whether her father was Theo's lawful human husband or her werewolf lover, she does posses some werewolvish elements. She holds a deep hatred towards her mother who abandoned her as a baby and is now a good friend of Bryg. -She grew up in WWI and flapper era. -
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* Sofia Travel Guide
- O Principado de Sofia (no original, Sofia, Principality) é uma micronação modelista lusófona, existente de 2000 até hoje. Atualmente, está ativa. Foi fundada por Felipe Fonte, localizada no Golfo de São Lourenço, leste do Canadá, e na ilha da Martinica, no Caribe, e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia-principado. Apesar de parlamentarista, seu chefe de governo é escolhido diretamente pela população, para um mandato de quatro meses. O atual Premier é Luiz Ravenclaw, barão de Barrie, desde maio de 2009. O atual monarca do país é SAR Lucius I, que foi coroado no fim de 2005.
- Sofia ist eine Asiatische Elefantenkuh im italienischen Bioparco der Hauptstadt Rom. Sie lebte dort von 1972 bis 2012 zusammen mit der gleichaltrigen Nelly. Sofia wurde etwa im Jahr 1970 in Assam (Indien) wild geboren. Sie kam mit zwei Jahren zusammen mit Nelly am 19.09.1972 in den Bioparco Roma, wo sie seitdem lebt.
- Chinese bicycle makers Thursday urged the European Union (EU) to drop anti-dumping duties which have been imposed on their products for 17 years. "The EU bicycle industry does not merit the protection of further extension of anti-dumping measures targeting Chinese imports," representatives of Chinese bicycle manufacturers said in a statement before attending a hearing held by the European Commission Thursday on whether to keep the duties in place for another five years. Zhang said the anti-dumping measures also ran counter to "green transport" campaign inside the EU. File:Placeholder