| - Of course you can help out! That's what wikis are all about, right? ^_^ What did you have in mind, specifically? According to the opening of this page, things you want to put in the tables have to be put up for discussion first. I don't really know how that's supposed to work, but go ahead and do it, anyway.
As far as a FFVIII walkthrough, I think AuronKaizer said something a while back about wanting to write it, but he hasn't done anything on it so far, at least that I know about. He was kind of protective when he was doing the FFX walkthrough, so you might want to ask him about it first. Maybe.
- I was thinking the same thing. I would say do it, just for consistency. I've already done most of the work for you, just need to do the Red Mage, Sage, Black Mage, Magus, Evoker, Summoner and Onion Knight. Basically keep hitting Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V likes there's no tommorow. The Freelancer page already lists a vast majority of the armor.
New columns for the table could be where to get them and which job can equip them.
- I am currently wondering whether one should clean up the list a bit, especially the Walkthrough section. There are a lot of inactive editors still listed there that are highly unlikely to finish their walkthroughs, and there are also some games listed whose walkthroughs have long since been completed. And wasn't the meaning of this section to provide a rough overview about which games/ports where still missing a completed walkthrough? So, I am wondering, should the categories for games/ports where it has been completed be removed, and should inactive editors be removed as well? I am fully willing to handle this task, but I just wanted to know beforehand whether or not I should.
- I would like to help with this, would that be ok? Getting pictures would be the hardest part.
- I would think the higher ups at this place would want the articles to have the original names from the first releases, since the enemy templates have places to put other names, like GBA and Anthology names and so on. But hey, you might not want to take my word on it. I'm pretty sure that's what anyone else would tell you, too, though. Pretty sure...
- "Possible job for a bot: updating the enemy articles to reflect the changes to how elemental affinity is handled on the enemy templates."
I don't quite get what this is asking here...can someone clarify for me? I'll probably start on this once it's cleared up for me, so that FFIX is fully done here on this wiki .
- Could we do with doing the Final Fantasy VIII enemies? It's not on the to-do list, but the list of Final Fantasy VIII enemies is very bare in Category:Final Fantasy VIII enemies. I'd volunteer to help do it, as far as I can, but my knowledge is not among the best. If anyone knows somewhere I might find a list of the enemies and the relevant info on them, I can try and add some to the list.
- Certainly, ones where we have a complete walkthrough should be removed, regardless of whether others are working on another one. As for inactive editors, if any are still listed as "In progress", they should probably be changed to "On hold", but I think we ought to leave them in, at least for the time being.
- Haha, as if I'd trust you to make non-biased jokes.
- Scrap that 6-7 weeks, will take longer, just started on my third playthrough FF6.
- I've been hanging around the wanted pages a lot, and noticed that FFXI pages are really clogging up the list. I am aware that we do have the FFXIcyclopedia, but having had a look over there, it appears to contain strategy guide-type pages, rather than encyclopedic information. Am I allowed to start a FFXI-related project to make those pages? Oh, and does Chibi Fantasy belong here?
- Just add it to the list. It is essentially a list of what we can't do but want others to.
- I'm thinking about making a walkthrough for either FFVIII or FFX. Just let me consider it a bit.
- I was under the impression that some of the stats did change. If they didn't, I'm sorry for adding the job. The only reason I thought the stats might be different is the change from the PSX -> GBA version of FF1 and FF2
- I'm considering a new walkthrough for Final Fantasy I, specifically geared towards those playing a "one class challenge", i.e. all Fighters or all Monks. Would this be an acceptable project for me to take on?
- "Replace all missing images with the image placeholder where necessary".
I think this needs to be added to this task, even though it doesn't seem like anyone uses this page. Reason being that it'll make finding what images we need for what easier to do, kinda like how Meteor and Osmose are with the galleries. Though Aero is a better example right now. Reason I'm leaving many of those pages as is is for well...finding out what we need for one, and file names helps for another if the person looks in the coding. I suppose....but yeah! Something for anyone to do...if anyone even looks at this page, that is.
- ok. It'll probably will be finish in about 6-7 weeks, if i feel like writing.
- Granted, I COULD just cross them off the list, but it's not my place to do so with some things like the World Map part. So, I've been checking several of the stuff on the To-Do List, and well.....I don't know what exactly needs done on some of these, like the List of Final Fantasy V Enemies page.....what exactly NEEDS done here? I'm not seeing anything really. And the ones that I see that are pretty much done from what I can tell are:
*world map
*List of Final Fantasy III Items
*List of Final Fantasy Locations
*List of Final Fantasy VII Enemies
*List of Final Fantasy X Enemies
*Expand the pages on magic
*Restructure the Items page
That's pretty much it. Would be nice to get some heads-up on these.
- Anyone can add to it, as long as you have a project planned.
- I don't think that consistent tenses in articles makes them "like Wikipedia" so much as it makes them well-written. That is what we're going for, right? What's wrong with being consistent?
There are bad ways of being like Wikipedia and there are good ways of being like Wikipedia. I would count tense consistency as one of the good things.
BH's idea sounds good to me.
- I have a few questions.. should I replace all the enemy images that have already been uploaded? And should I replace the boss images so that they match the enemy images in size and quality? also.. I'm not 100% sure if I'll ever be able to finish because my bestiary isn't 100% I'll try and get as much done as I can though. :\ any help is appreciated.
- Another FFIII question. I wasn't sure where else to ask it.
I was thinking of doing FFIII weapons and armor pages, but is it worth it? I mean, Diablo has already put which weapons and armor are equipable by each job, as well as their stats, on the respective job pages. It looks like the only thing he didn't include is where to get them. Is it worth it to make FFIII weapons and armor pages?
- I'm working on a FFTA Walkthrough, but is that still needed, or you'd rather have me work on another walkthrough?
- Lord knows just how much is left still to be done, but this either needs SEVERELY updated, or just outright removed since it doesn't seem like anybody uses this at all...
- Agreed with Blue as well. Present tense if it happens in-game, past-tense if it's the game's backstory. And if it happens in the past but is shown in the game like Nibelheim, that makes it really tense...okay I'm done.
- Since I managed to find save for the games, I can start helping with the enemy pages, the tables at least. But I'm wondering, which version of the names should I use for the articles?
- I'd like to do the FFIII enemies and bosses after I'm done with the FFIX ones, but there is currently no template. I've never made an enemy infobox template before , but I can see what I can do by looking at the coding on the other ones, I suppose.
As far as the actual stats and information, I only know the DS stats. Would those be okay to put in there, or shall I scrounge around the internet looking for the original NES ones, instead? I also don't know the original names, but I could scrounge around for those, too, if the Wiki wills it.
- First of all, why do you want to replace all the enemy images? What's the problem with them?