"Up, Up, Down, Down" is a Flash animated music video by self-proclaimed "Nerd Rock" band, Kirby Krackle. It starts out as a love song about a geeky video game store clerk who has a crush on a girl who frequents his shop before going into something completely different. The video can be viewed here.
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| - "Up, Up, Down, Down" is a Flash animated music video by self-proclaimed "Nerd Rock" band, Kirby Krackle. It starts out as a love song about a geeky video game store clerk who has a crush on a girl who frequents his shop before going into something completely different. The video can be viewed here.
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| - "Up, Up, Down, Down" is a Flash animated music video by self-proclaimed "Nerd Rock" band, Kirby Krackle. It starts out as a love song about a geeky video game store clerk who has a crush on a girl who frequents his shop before going into something completely different. The video can be viewed here.
* Adorkable: Everyone in the video and both the song and video in general.
* Animesque: Including several standard "anime gestures".
* Blank White Eyes: The pianist switches between theses and Eyes Always Shut.
* Dogged Nice Guy: The male lead is a milder version.
* Downer Ending: The girl is a stalker who murders the lead after their date by cooking him alive and eating him.
* Foreshadowing: The girl has a poison mushroom shirt.
* Gamer Chick: The female lead.
* Eyes of Gold: The female lead sports them.
* Fluffy Cloud Heaven:
* I'm a Humanitarian: The girl
* Lyrical Dissonance: You will never hear someone sound happier while singing "Because I'm dead".
* Nerds Are Sexy: Yes.
* Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: The girl.
* Played for Laughs: The twist ending.
* Shout-Out: Many.
* The girl's poison mushroom shirt.
* The lyrics even mention Hyrule.
* "I should take a risk, then like Wilson Fisk, be the Kingpin of this day."
* During his daydream, the male lead imagines the girl wearing Morrigan's signature outfit.
* (She) warned me that I shouldn't scream or she'd gut me like Wolverine.
* Guys... THE KONAMI CODE in the title and song lyrics!
* Stalker with a Crush: The girl
* Twist Ending:
* Unmoving Plaid: The girl's skirt
* Yandere: The girl