| - Beadle Lubboon was a male Duros who lived during the Republic Dark Age. He was the son of Lubboon and an unidentified Duros woman. Beadle was raised by his parents on the planet Darkknell, which had become the capital world of the Sith Lord Daiman's domain known as the Daimanate. For much of his childhood, Beadle lived under Sith rule. Throughout his youth, the adolescent Lubboon maintained a reputation for being careless and clumsy. Despite these character flaws, Beadle had a good and likeable nature. In 1032 BBY, Beadle's life underwent an important change when he became a mercenary working for Rusher's Brigade, one of the many independent mercenary operations during the New Sith Wars. Beadle's father supplied the Brigade's leader Brigadier Jarrow Rusher with starship parts. In exchange, Beadle was recruited into Rusher's Brigade and became a crew member on Rusher's troopship Diligence. Through his involvement in Rusher's Brigade, Beadle became locked into Lord Daiman's plot to eliminate his estranged older brother Odion. Around the same time, Daiman had lost his premier military research installation following a bomb attack engineered by the Jedi Knight Kerra Holt, a perennial Sith foe. Following the capture of an undercover Odionite operative Narsk Ka'hane, Daiman came to suspect that Odion was behind the bombing. In retaliation, he concocted an elaborate scheme to lure Odion into a trap on Gazzari. Daiman purchased an arxeum—university specializing in war sciences—from the Bactranate, a neighboring Sith state. He also recruited a thousand students for the university from throughout the Daimanate who would serve as bait during the attack. Finally, Daiman enlisted the services of several mercenaries including Rusher's Brigade. These mercenaries would set up their positions around a volcanic caldera. When Odion's forces landed, they would then open fire on them. Daiman's main forces and fleet would then emerge from hyperspace, trapping Odion and his forces. During the Battle of Gazzari, Lubboon served as a Trooper and saved the life of Rusher's helmsman Ryland Dackett. Rusher's Brigade sustained heavy losses during the battle with almost five-sixths of the mercenaries being wiped out. Near the end of the battle, Rusher encountered the Jedi Knight Kerra who had managed to evacuate the Daimanate students from the battlefield. After a lengthy argument, she convinced Rusher to evacuate the student refugees which Rusher obliged on the condition that they were dropped off upon arriving at their next destination. Following their escape from Gazzari, Beadle became good friends with Kerra and the Sullustan refugee Tan Tengo. Due to his junior position, he was assigned with helping Kerra attend to the need of the student refugees aboard the Diligence. Following a long and arduous voyage, the Diligence ended up on Byllura, a Sith world that was controlled by the Dyarchy, a minor Sith princedom. While exploring Byllura, Beadle and Tan were captured by the Unifiers, red-clad Sith adepts. Kerra pursued their captors and her actions culminated in the collapse of the Dyarchy. He and Tan managed to escape after Kerra convinced the enslaved Celegian know as "One" to rebel against his Sith master Regent Saaj Calician. Soon, One's Celegian comrades also rebelled and their actions led to the collapse of the Dyarchy's telepathic network, destroying the Dyarchy. Shortly later, Byllura was annexed by the Arkadianate, another Sith state ruled by Arkadia Calimondra, the older sister of the Dyarchy's former twin rulers Dromika and Quillan. Arkadia publicly extended her hand of friendship to the beleaguered crew and passengers of the Dyarchy. She also offered to shelter the student refugees in the Arkadianate where they would be integrated as loyal Arkadianate subjects. During his time in the Arkadianate, Lubboon accompanied Rusher and Kerra to the Arkadianate capital city of Calimondretta on the icy planet of Syned. However, Arkadia proved to be duplicitous when she tried to coerce Kerra into assassinating her grandmother Vilia Calimondra, the matriarch of the Calimondra family and the instigator of the Second Charge Matrica which had devastated the Grumani sector. In response, the Bothan spy Narsk Ka'hane, who secretly worked for Vilia, devise a counter-plot to foil Arkadia's plans and helped Rusher and Kerra escape from the Arkadianate. Prior to the Siege of Calimondretta, Lubboon returned Narsk's stolen Cyricept Mk VI stealth suit and smuggled Kerra's lightsaber an enviro-suit. In return for getting back his stealth suit, Narsk helped Kerra escape from her prison and supplied her and Rusher with hyperspace coordinates leading to neutral space. Following their successful escape from Syned, the Diligence reached the Galactic Republic where the Gazzari refugees would be looked after. Following his adventures in Sith Space, Beadle chose to stay with Rusher's Brigade.