| - Twenty-Fifth Baam: When Koon met Baam, he tried to become friends with him because he thought he might be useful. Since then he seems to have bonded with Baam greatly, and he found something in Baam which Koon thought he had lost. He therefore holds great respect for Baam and has a great friendship with him, to the point that he would put the reputation he holds so dearly on the line just to help Baam. It has been shown that Koon respected him so much that he wanted to reach the top with him, and even carried on his wishes after he thought Baam had died. Rak Wraithraiser: Koon is often annoyed by Rak, although he seems to have come to appreciate him a bit. However, he often makes snide comments about him. Hatsu: Relations between Koon and Hatsu were frosty at best, but Baam helped them get to know each other. Rachel: Koon met with Rachel after the Crown Game and promised to not reveal her identity to Baam. After the Submerged Fish incident, he has helped her climb, but nevertheless suspected her intentions. Ship Leesoo: They seem to get along with each other, due to them both being intelligent strategists. Leesoo seems to be able to read Koon better than most. Androssi Zahard: Both have the common goals of protecting Rachel and Baam. Thus Koon convinces Androssi to work for him during the Hide-and-Seek Test. Yu Han Sung: These two cynical men have a somewhat similar view on life. One being able to read through each-other, Yu antagonizes Koon and sees through his complete life.