| - Loani is a Daevael, and the second to ever exist, being a crossbreed between Archangels and Animagi. All Daevaels have five extra gifts, along with one ability to change their own form. Out of the abilities, one of them is normally strongly tied to the power of their angelic relative. All Daevael gifts are tied to their relationship with their siblings, which is why Daevael are never only children. The Daevael are still able to use their gifts without the presence of a sibling, but they are far more powerful when they are closer both emotionally and physically. This is reflective of how angels are stronger when they are in heaven. Since Loanikha is the second eldest sibling, she will not gain her full strength until her younger sister and brother have been born.
| - Loani is a Daevael, and the second to ever exist, being a crossbreed between Archangels and Animagi. All Daevaels have five extra gifts, along with one ability to change their own form. Out of the abilities, one of them is normally strongly tied to the power of their angelic relative. All Daevael gifts are tied to their relationship with their siblings, which is why Daevael are never only children. The Daevael are still able to use their gifts without the presence of a sibling, but they are far more powerful when they are closer both emotionally and physically. This is reflective of how angels are stronger when they are in heaven. Since Loanikha is the second eldest sibling, she will not gain her full strength until her younger sister and brother have been born. Her form-altering ability will be Impersonation. With this ability, Loanikha is able to impersonate almost anyone perfectly. She will gain enough background information and personality information from contact with the other person, along with the ability to change into their appearance and change voices to be identical to the original person. However, if the person possesses any abilities then these will not be mimicked. There must be a person to be copied off, but the information is never forgotten, and she will be able to mimic someone they haven't met in years. Physical contact with also required.