Fate / Cero is an abridged series of the Fate / Zero anime, created by Yaro Shien and Omni Beneficial, and edited by OmniBeneficial. The series stars an ensemble cast led by Yaro Shien, Omni Beneficial, Takahata101, BuddyVA, JadeTheFirefox, KaiserNeko, TheKazmat, Alifluro, Xcaliborg, Sydsnap, and Grimmjack69, and released four episodes before being ultimately cancelled.
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| - Fate / Cero is an abridged series of the Fate / Zero anime, created by Yaro Shien and Omni Beneficial, and edited by OmniBeneficial. The series stars an ensemble cast led by Yaro Shien, Omni Beneficial, Takahata101, BuddyVA, JadeTheFirefox, KaiserNeko, TheKazmat, Alifluro, Xcaliborg, Sydsnap, and Grimmjack69, and released four episodes before being ultimately cancelled.
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| - Fate / Cero is an abridged series of the Fate / Zero anime, created by Yaro Shien and Omni Beneficial, and edited by OmniBeneficial. The series stars an ensemble cast led by Yaro Shien, Omni Beneficial, Takahata101, BuddyVA, JadeTheFirefox, KaiserNeko, TheKazmat, Alifluro, Xcaliborg, Sydsnap, and Grimmjack69, and released four episodes before being ultimately cancelled.