| - Kapp Dendo was a male Devaronian who served as one of the Alliance to Restore the Republic's most respected intelligence agents during the Galactic Civil War. Dendo was often teamed with another agent, named Winter, whose holographic memory and analytical skills complemented Dendo's ability to blend into the underworld. The two worked together alongside Rogue Squadron on Tatooine after the Battle of Endor, securing an Imperial weapons cache from a criminal named Firith Olan. After that mission, Dendo was given control of his own elite squad, Commando Team One. The team was placed undercover on Brentaal IV in the months that followed, and alongside several members of Rogue Squadron, Dendo was able to sabotage an Imperial defense platform in the wake of a New Republic invasion. Later, he worked in conjunction with the Rogues on Ciutric IV, retrieving former Imperial Grand Vizier Sate Pestage from Empress Ysanne Isard's soldiers. The mission went awry, however, after Admiral Delak Krennel and an Interdictor Cruiser were sent to Ciutric by the Imperial Ruling Council, preventing the New Republic operatives from escaping. Dendo and the Rogues lost several personnel, while Pestage was killed by Krennel after refusing to leave the planet with Commando Team One. Dendo later became a colonel, and continued to serve through the Thrawn campaign, when Grand Admiral Thrawn launched a major offensive on New Republic territory. After Thrawn's demise, he participated in the campaign against Imperial warlord Delak Krennel, fighting in the battles of Liinade III and Ciutric IV. He was later appointed a general, serving in the Yuuzhan Vong War at the Battle of Ithor.