| - - Aus der Charakterbeschreibung von Baldur's Gate
- Los xan eran una especie inteligente bípeda mamífera nativa de Algara II. No poseían pelo, tenían piel de color verde, amarillo, rosa o tonos. Sus cabezas eran grandes y protuberantes con un par de ojos de color negro, asentada sobre un marco integrado(?)
- Xan Kriegor jest najlepszym uczestnikiem turniejowym najmowanym przez "Liandri". Cechuje go brak litości zarówno dla mężczyzn jak i kobiet, niebywała okrutność i opanowana do perfekcji sztuka walki turniejowej (liczne uniki, doskonała celność itp.). Głównym jego wrogiem jest rasa "Necris" próbująca go zabić i przejąć interesy turniejowe "Liandri". Plik:http://liandri.beyondunreal.com/Image:Xan-ut1.jpg
- Xan is 6 feet 1 inch, with an average, but slightly built, tone (not extremely muscular). He has short brown hair with small blonde streaks peppered throughout his bangs. He wears a red visor most of the time to protect his eyes from the light. But when he's alone, and in more comfortable lighting, he'll wear a pair of wire-rimmed rectangular glasses. He also has a small goatee on his chin, but he's otherwise clean-cut.
- Xan is a major villain in the DragonFable and Adventure Quest Worlds series. He is a psychotic pyromancer who hates every other person in the game be they villan or hero. He is known for maniacly laughing and having a head which is emblazed, which kills him and heals him. his most major appearance was in his own quest line, where he is the protagonist and you, the player and hero must fight him on your dragon. He was originally an Ice mage by the name of Alexander, however during a duel with fellow mage Warlic he was cosumed in fire. Warlic was unable to put the fire out, so instead transformed it into Healing Fire. Despite this Alexander lost his sanity from the pain of burning for eternity, and changed his name to Xan.
- Xan is a character in AdventureQuest Worlds.
- Xan is a lawful neutral elf enchanter and a potential companion.BGTotSCBG:EE
- Xan was an elf who appeared in both the Baldur's Gate computer game and novelization.
- Alexander, later known as Xan, is an insane pyromancer. He holds a huge grudge against Warlic. Xan is the main antagonist in Lymcrest Saga, and plays an huge role in DragonFable Book 1 and Book 2.
- Xan ist für viele recht tollpatschig erscheinender liebenswerter Kerl. Auch wenn er zu Naivität neigt so ist er doch zu allen die er seine Freunde nennt Loyal und würde zur Not mit allen bescheidenen Mitteln die ihm zur Verfügung stehen diese beschützen. Er ist sehr Lebensfroh und Neugierig.
- Like Kol, Xan was born into the army. However, Sith army. He developed strange senses, and progressed through ranks, becoming a Commando. He did not stop there; verging into the Sith's ranks. He became an Apprentice, mastering the Sith Code, and then, killing a Jedi; passing his trials, Kol became a represented Knight, then Sith Master.
- The Xan were a small-bodied sentient species. Some of them had established a colony on the planet of Gan Moradir, in the Mid Rim region of the galaxy.
- [Source] Les Xans sont une petite espèce originaire d'une planète inconnue. Certains d'entre eux, comme Geeska Dotalo, ont établit une colonie sur Gan Moradir.
- The Xan are a sapient species of mammalian bipeds indigenous to Algara II. They were hairless, with green, yellow, or pink-hued skin. Their heads were large and bulbous with a pair of black eyes, set upon a slenderly built frame. They likely cultivated the planet's Algarine Wine, Algarine Torve Weed, and Zwil, as it was their homeplanet. With this in mind, Algara II's tremendously bureacratic government could presumably have been placed by them, as well.
- Xan Kriegor es un robot que ha ganado múltiples campeonatos en los torneos. Xan pudo ser creado en una fábrica de robots con el asteroide LBX-7683 en el grupo de los "Erican", donde comenzó a funcionar como un robot minero para la Corporación minera de Liandri En 2283, Xan guiaba un levantamiento de robots LBX-7683 en donde varios robots se unieron para derrotar a los humanos, provocando que Liandri enviara un escuadrón táctico de para sofocar la revelión. Xan fue capturado y resistió varios desordenes cerebrales, pero fue reprogramado poco después.
- Xan ist ein NSC, einer der 365 Hapideiden, und zwar der Hapideid der Seltenheit. Il cache certains objets, ressources et créatures afin d’accroitre leur valeur dans le monde. Slip de bwork propre, wabbit allergique aux cawottes : c’est grâce à lui s’ils sont si recherchés ! On raconte même qu’il possède une chopine de Pandawa à moitié pleine... Die Hapideiden sind die Beschützer der Tage in der Welt der Zwölf, und jeden kann man nur an einem einzigen Tag eines Jahres im Raum der jeweiligen Jahreszeit im Bibliotempel antreffen. Xan beschützt den 24. Jullier.