In the fictional world of Robotech, the Robotech Wars are a series of four devastating wars through the first half of the 21st century. It begins in 2009 with the first battle between the SDF-1 and Zentraedi and continues in 2044 after the Invid retreat from Earth and the subsequent battle against the Haydonites.
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| - In the fictional world of Robotech, the Robotech Wars are a series of four devastating wars through the first half of the 21st century. It begins in 2009 with the first battle between the SDF-1 and Zentraedi and continues in 2044 after the Invid retreat from Earth and the subsequent battle against the Haydonites.
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| - Possibly as many as several thousand to tens of thousands of resistors worldwide; exact REF Fleet strength unknown but consisted of all available REF forces, included over two hundred capital ships and thousands of fighters and support craft.
- Fleet of 5.8 million warships
- Unknown number of personnel , Space fleet of 150+ capital ships, Several thousand combat mecha
- Six mothership-class vessels, Several hundred smaller vessels, Several thousand Bioroid combat mecha, Unknown number of personnel
- The Army of the Regess Invid faction. Exact strength unknown, but space-capable forces consisted of at least several dozen Invid carriers and tens of thousands of Invid Scouts. Ground forces estimated at tens of thousands of Invid soldiers.
- SDF-1, Robotech Orbital Fleet, later the addition of Breetai's fleet
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| - Invasion and occupation of the Earth by the Invid.
- Recovery of the SDF-1's protoculture factory
- Recovery of the lost starship SDF-1
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| - 2031(xsd:integer)
- February 2009-April 2011
- January 2029-June 2030
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- dbkwik:resource/yHe9IDPF4S1sjG6v6VJsAA==
- Robotech Masters command triumvirate
- the Invid Regess
- Admiral Hayes, later Henry J. Gloval assisted by Breetai
- The resistance cells operated independently though later their efforts were coordinated by advanced elements of the REF; REF forces involved in the assault commanded by General Gunther Reinhardt
- Breetai before his defection, Commander Azonia, Commander Dolza, and later, Commander Khyron
| - The tag above reflects the assessment of a single user and does not represent the opinion of the majority of editors. It may be removed without further notice if its original poster fails to explains his concerns at the article's Talk page.
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| - The Zentraedi's planetoid homebase, virtually their entire space fleet, Most of the Zentraedi race
- The Robotech Masters entire space fleet, virtually their entire military, and most of their civilian population aboard the space fleet
- Unknown; estimated to be in the millions
- Unknown; estimated to be tens of thousands of military personnel and civilians.
- Devastation of 95% of Earth surface, Nearly the entire human race - Only 70,000 survivors
- Complete destruction of the cities Newton and Manville, Severe damage to the capital of Monument city, Severe damage to military and industrial facilities, Extreme losses in personnel and spacecraft, unknown civilian casualties
| - Invid retreat from Earth
- Pyrrhic Terran victory
| - Robotech Defense Force, United Earth Government
- The Zentraedi
- the Invid
- the Robotech Masters
- Robotech Expeditionary Force, Earth-based resistance cells
- The United Earth Forces , including the elite Army of the Southern Cross
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| - First Robotech War
- Second Robotech War
- Third Robotech War
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| - In the fictional world of Robotech, the Robotech Wars are a series of four devastating wars through the first half of the 21st century. It begins in 2009 with the first battle between the SDF-1 and Zentraedi and continues in 2044 after the Invid retreat from Earth and the subsequent battle against the Haydonites.