| - When you get to the quest way point, you will see the Centaurs in a wedge formation and your group expected to be at the tip. The Centaur allies are all trappers. Unfortunately the sheer numbers of the incoming Margonites will be overwhelming. Therefore, before getting to the way point, make sure to activate the nearest Resurrection Shrine because party wipes are quite possible, and do not really affect the outcome. Do not be discouraged by wipes, this quest can be and has been done with everyone at 60% death penalty. The Margonites will come in 3 (or 4) waves, each wave formed of 3 groups, each group composed of 8 members. The groups have consistent formation. i.e. The group that comes, say, from the far left, will always have six Margonite Reapers and two Margonite Clerics, while the one that comes from the far right will always have six Margonite Executioners and two clerics. The one that comes from the middle will have six Margonite Seers and two clerics. One possible way to overcome the seemingly impossible odds is to separate the groups:
* When the action begins you have the first wave of 3 groups of Margonites all coming toward you and your allies. One from left side (#1) and two from the right side (#2, #3).
* Attack the left side group first (#1) and its subsequent spawning groups (#4 and then #5). You may want to wait for them ahead of where all three groups will arrive.
* After that your party will have to deal with 15-16 Margonites (#2, #3) on the quest starting point. They are all linked. You have to kill the healers fast (double Meteor Shower is pretty useful). When you lose 4 members of your team, retreat and resurrect them. Keep killing them until a new group (#6) spawns on the right side.
* At this point, do not finish off the remaining Margonites, instead, keep them spawning separately. Kill group #6 without killing the last of group #2 and kill every single group that spawns. At the end of the quest, a necromancer Margonite boss, named Torment Weaver, will come along with a final group. Kill them to finish the quest.