| - Two hundred years before 2267, the Argelians experienced what they call the "Great Awakening". In this awakening, they united under an uniglobal government and created a legal system that was based on love. This government was headed by a Prefect. The seat of government was located in a chief city. Due to inefficiencies in their government, people from other planets were hired to fill certain administrative positions. Prior to stardate 3619, Argelius II signed a treaty with the Federation wherein Starfleet could use the planet as a space port for their space vehicles and crews from the ships could take shore leave on the planet. The port had strategic value for it was the only one in its quadrant. For male crew members, the Argelian women were considered one of the highlights. In 2267, the Prefect was Jaris. In that year, the planet was the scene of several murders committed by the entity known as Redjac. Captain Kirk and Lieutenant Commander Scott both enjoyed several visits to the planet, though Scott was framed for the murders during his first visit. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold" ; TNG: "Relics" ) In 2364, the location of Argelius II was labeled on a star chart filed in the USS Enterprise-D library computer. The planets Mars and Alpha Eridani II were on a direct alignment between Argelius II and Earth. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold" ; TNG: "Datalore" , "Conspiracy" , production art) Scotty later recalled the incident on Argelius II in a conversation with Ensign Kane during his visit aboard the Enterprise-D in 2369, referring to it as "a wee bit of trouble." (TNG: "Relics" )