| - Machamp is used primarily during the conflict between Red, Lt. Surge and Bruno. It is notably known for keeping the Belt of Machoke long after its evolution, which serves as a limiter on its strength. Once the belt breaks, Machamp is able to use its full power in its attacks, being able to knock out Poli in a single hit. However, it was taken off guard and subsequently defeated by Red's Vee.
- Hitmonlee is one of Bruno's main Pokémon, whose strength lies both in its upper and lower body. It can also extend its legs, which allows for it to dodge attacks with relative ease. Hitmonlee is incredibly powerful, as it was able to defeat Pika almost singlehandedly. It was used in conjunction with Lorelei's Jynx and Agatha's Gastly to defeat both Saur, Poli and Gyara.
- Machop is dispatched by Bruno to serve as a bid for time against the Gym Leaders of Kanto, particularly Brock.
- Bruno used his Tyrogue to help Red and Blue digging towards Ilex Forest.
- Hitmonchan is another one of Bruno's main Pokémon, mainly used during his initial conflict with Red. In their battle, Hitmonchan is able to knock out Poli by letting Red focus upon its left arm, which used Fire Punch, whilst its right arm used Thunder Punch.
- Onix is used mainly by Bruno during his fights between Red, and Lt. Surge and Bill. In these fights, Onix was shown to be a proficient fighter, and is impervious to water-type moves, despite the fact that Rock Pokémon have a weakness to water moves. It also comprises the main battleground upon which Lt. Surge and Bill fought against Bruno.