Peanuts is an French-American animated series based on the franchise of the same name. The series aired on Boomerang on May 9, 2016. The first five episodes will also air the same day on Cartoon Network.
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| - Peanuts is an French-American animated series based on the franchise of the same name. The series aired on Boomerang on May 9, 2016. The first five episodes will also air the same day on Cartoon Network.
- The animated shorts from Normaal and France Televisions, which are based on the comic strip and characters by Charles M. Schulz, preceded the Peanuts feature film from 20th Century Fox and Blue Sky Studios that was released in November 2015. The Peanuts animations are based on the 18,000 daily comic strips created by Schulz and are packaged as 500 x 90-second shorts and 104 x seven-minute blocks.
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| - Normaal Animation Studios
- Peanuts Worldwide, LLC
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| - Peanuts is an French-American animated series based on the franchise of the same name. The series aired on Boomerang on May 9, 2016. The first five episodes will also air the same day on Cartoon Network.
- The animated shorts from Normaal and France Televisions, which are based on the comic strip and characters by Charles M. Schulz, preceded the Peanuts feature film from 20th Century Fox and Blue Sky Studios that was released in November 2015. The Peanuts animations are based on the 18,000 daily comic strips created by Schulz and are packaged as 500 x 90-second shorts and 104 x seven-minute blocks. These shorts began airing in France on France 3 on November 9, 2014. They started airing in the United States on Boomerang and on Cartoon Network from May 9, 2016 to March 3, 2017. After a 10-month run, the shorts are no longer being broadcast but they will all eventually be available on DVD.