Apocolypse is the second episode of the Easter two-parter preceeding the Second Bluesilver Series
Apocalypse was an annual pay-per-view for True Honor Wrestling. It is now defunct and has been replaced by Lethal Lottery. It was the fourth pay-per-view of the year. The event replaced New Blood Rising (THW). New Blood Rising was the first pay-per-view event in THW history.
Apocolypse is the second episode of the Easter two-parter preceeding the Second Bluesilver Series
Apocalypse was an annual pay-per-view for True Honor Wrestling. It is now defunct and has been replaced by Lethal Lottery. It was the fourth pay-per-view of the year. The event replaced New Blood Rising (THW). New Blood Rising was the first pay-per-view event in THW history.