| - Z koloni karnej na Lunarze V uciekł bardzo niebezpieczny więzień. Premier Angosian, rasy która chciałaby dołączyć do Federacji, prosi kapitana Picarda o pomoc w schwytaniu tego więźnia. Okazuje się to bardzo trudnym zadaniem, gdyż więzień jest byłym super żołnierzem. To jest jedynie zalążek artykułu. Pomóż Memory Alpha rozszerzając go.
- The Hunted is a song performed by Snow Ghosts.
- TG: Perdón outsider, but Madera has had enough trouble today. Player: What's a Perdón? And who is Madera? TG: It's from language and Madera is this town that I'am guarding, since those Bandito attacks
- The Hunted is the third level of The Lost World: Jurassic Park storyline of LEGO Jurassic World. This includes the Tyrannosaurus rex attack on the group and the raptors in the grass.
- [[Category: Levels]] Image:Level-art.png The Hunted is a level from LEGO Jurassic World.
- "The Hunted" is the twenty-first episode of the Disney Channel Original Series American Dragon: Jake Long and the Season 1 Finale. It first aired on January 29, 2006.
- The Hunted is a band with lead singer Hunter, formerly Jan's assistant. One of their songs is titled "That One Night". This song is about how Jan "made him a man." Jim stole the CD from Jan during the episode "Dinner Party". The first mention of Hunter's band is in the episode The Job. Jan gives Hunter a farewell hug, saying "Good luck with your band," and adding "Don't let them change you." The words to song "That One Night" were written by Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky. The music was written and performed by Todd Fancy of The New Pornographers.
- Angosia III; Angosian; Angosian hoofdstad; Angosian senaat; Angosian politie shuttle; Lunar V; Lya III; premier; referendum; subhadar; Tarsian oorlog; triclenidil.
- Metropolis Zone is under attack by a new group of villains, in the form of General Url and his Brain Drain Society. They are immediately brought down by the mysterious Captain Blue and a group of vigilantes, though Blue remains tight-lipped about who his group is and what they stand for. This is the third time this group has shown up and dealt with people in an unnecessarily aggressive manner. Amy and the gang are watching a news report on the incident from their base in Buddy's Bistro when suddenly they receive a call from the group's leader and an armband in the post, similar to the ones the group are wearing, with an invitation to meet them at the Kane Broadcasting Company the next day. The next morning, as Amy and Tails head out for the station, the League of Super-Evil Villains, now l
- After previously learning that Rose is in fact the Huntsgirl, Jake is unsure about his relationship with her. Later on, he falls for a trap set by the Huntsclan and ends up chained with Reggie, a Brownie with anger management problems, Silver, a very smart mermaid with the fear of water, Bertha, a giant with smelly feet, and Clooney, the very unlucky leprechaun. On the next day, Jake goes to talk to Rose about what happened, he finds out Rose had transferred out of the school.
- Four Jedi uncover a dark secret that threatens to destroy the Galaxy as they know it... Picking up where Ganner Slarwalker left off, friends become enemies as Cade's mission continues. When a Jedi strike team vanishes on Umbara, two Jedi begin to unearth a conspiracy deeper than the Shadow Assassins themselves. Over five years after the events of Ganner Slarwalker, our heroes must unite once more to face a new enemy. Three missions to the forest moon of Anarto II crash together, leading to a climactic event not everyone will walk away from... Every villain is the hero of their own story.