| - The Klackons in MoO1 have increased industrial output. This makes building ships and research faster. This increased output is useful throughout the whole game because it is a permanent benefit that will never run out, unlike something like the Psilons, whose advantage in research ends when there are no more technologies to research. The Klackons are considered to be one of the three strongest races of MOO1.
- Klackon colonies were highly productive. This insectoid race could work in a very efficient manner to produce whatever the colony (or empire) needed. Xenophobic, somewhat expansionistic, and constantly building and producing, the Klackons made a formidable enemy. The Klackons preferred smaller ship designs. Their propulsion systems were rather poor, but their construction methods were outstanding. The Klackons disliked the Alkari, Darloks, Mrrshan, and Sakkra. They were more receptive to the Humans and Silicoids.
| - The Klackons in MoO1 have increased industrial output. This makes building ships and research faster. This increased output is useful throughout the whole game because it is a permanent benefit that will never run out, unlike something like the Psilons, whose advantage in research ends when there are no more technologies to research. The Klackons are considered to be one of the three strongest races of MOO1. Klackons get a 100% bonus on population production, making each population point produce 1 BC instead of 0,5 BC at the beginning of the game, and the bonus multiplies with Planetology techs bonus, making a population point worth 4 BC at Planetology level 50 as opposed to 2 BC for other races. Klackons are rated Excellent in Construction and Poor in Propulsion. Even though rated Poor in Propulsion, either range 4 or range 5 will always be available for Research and the production advantage should allow them to get either online at the same time as any other races. The Construction bonus can be used to develop quickly in that area to make Long Range Colony ships available early, effectively increasing the Colonisation Range by 3 parsecs. Klackons have Unease relations with the Alkari, the Mrrshans, the Darloks, the Sakkra and the Silicoids, and Relaxed with the Humans. Creating small trade agreements can take relations up to a safe level while Klackons maximise their potential before blowing the galaxy to pieces. Winning with Klackons can be easily done due to their insanely fast growth curve, allowing them to maximise quickly every planet they own, and after maximising they will do anything from research to shipbuilding faster than other races, on average. Klackons with Ultra Rich worlds are a really scary sight to be faced, for those against them.
- Klackon colonies were highly productive. This insectoid race could work in a very efficient manner to produce whatever the colony (or empire) needed. Xenophobic, somewhat expansionistic, and constantly building and producing, the Klackons made a formidable enemy. The Klackons preferred smaller ship designs. Their propulsion systems were rather poor, but their construction methods were outstanding. The Klackons disliked the Alkari, Darloks, Mrrshan, and Sakkra. They were more receptive to the Humans and Silicoids. Life on Kholdan was the same for centuries. The inhabitants were all born to fulfill a certain role or to perform a specific task. There was no dissension among the Klackons, so rebellion and strife were nonexistent. This resulted in huge bonuses to their food and industrial production; these bonuses were further enhanced by their Unification government. Since there were no traitors, there was high security in their empire. They may have been living on a different planet in their system, because their homeworld was much larger than most; their original planet was normal-sized. Although Klackon society seemed flawless, there was one significant weakness: they had trouble conceiving new technological ideas. Klackon leaders cared only for their galactic "hive"; the were usually very xenophobic, and did not like dealing with most other alien races. However, the Klackons were favorable towards the Trilarians, and also liked the Silicoids. They did not like the Alkari, Mrrshan, and Sakkra races.