A sequel to The Lunacy of Duke Venomania, detailing the later life of one of his harem members, Gumina Glassred. Two years after the events of The Lunacy of Duke Venomania, Gumina Glassred paints a portrait of Sateriasis, however she paints him with his original deformed face, admitting she would have wanted to see him like that, even if she didn't realize it back then. This song was orginally made for Akuno-P's Seven Crimes and Punishments album. This song has entered Hall of Fame. Main article: The Evillious Chronicles
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| - グラスレッドの肖像 (Glassred no Shouzou)
| - A sequel to The Lunacy of Duke Venomania, detailing the later life of one of his harem members, Gumina Glassred. Two years after the events of The Lunacy of Duke Venomania, Gumina Glassred paints a portrait of Sateriasis, however she paints him with his original deformed face, admitting she would have wanted to see him like that, even if she didn't realize it back then. This song was orginally made for Akuno-P's Seven Crimes and Punishments album. This song has entered Hall of Fame. Main article: The Evillious Chronicles
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| - "グラスレッドの肖像"
- English: Glassred's Portrait
- Official English: The Portrait Glassred Drew
- Romaji: Gurasureddo no Shouzou
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| - Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
| - "グラスレッドの肖像"
* Romaji: Glassred no Shouzou
* Official Translation: The Portrait Glassred Drew
| - #C78B93; color:#EFE6E1
- #D3C5CA; color: white
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| - A sequel to The Lunacy of Duke Venomania, detailing the later life of one of his harem members, Gumina Glassred. Two years after the events of The Lunacy of Duke Venomania, Gumina Glassred paints a portrait of Sateriasis, however she paints him with his original deformed face, admitting she would have wanted to see him like that, even if she didn't realize it back then. She thinks of how the Duke burned the portraits back then and how he hated his face. However, Gumina claims that the true ugliness didn't actually lie in his face. She regrets treating him so badly and pushed him to the point that he felt he needed to change himself to gain her acceptence. She resolves to keep painting him to keep him alive in her portraits, even if he did hate how he looked. Thinking back to his death and last declaration of love, she admits she always loved him too, but didn't realize it at the time. This song was orginally made for Akuno-P's Seven Crimes and Punishments album. This song has entered Hall of Fame. Main article: The Evillious Chronicles
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