| - Tiedosto:Vodka.gif Vodkaa voi juoda Gnome Restaurantissa, Tree Gnome Strongholdissa. Vodkan voi ostaa 5 kultarahalla Heckel Funchilta. Muita juomia ovat Gin ja Brandy. Vodkaa käytetään joissain cocktaileissa.
- Vodka is an alcoholic product that is usually made to be mixed with another beverage. It's common and fast selling in the YouTube Poop World, being sold at Morshu's shop and Ganon's Pub.
- Vodka es un gángster (pandillero) rico que aparece por primera vez en un personaje Relleno de Dragon Ball siendo el director de Pamputt de una película, años más tarde aparece en Dragon Ball Z Vodka llevaba un traje verde y un sombrero de color verde con una franja azul. Tenía dos secuaces (o guardaespaldas). A pesar de ser el líder de su pandilla tenía una actitud bastante infantil.
- Vodka is a distilled beverage composed primarily of water and ethanol, sometimes with traces of impurities and flavorings. Traditionally, vodka is made by the distillation of fermented cereal grains or potatoes, though some modern brands use other substances, such as fruits or sugar. Vodka is generally 40% alcohol by volume making it an effective mite killer.
- Vodka je azda najznámejšia tekutina po pive a vode. Jej výroba nemá striktné pravidlá. Vyrábať ju môže ktokoľvek. Jej materská krajina je Poľsko, ale Rusko a Fínsko tiež milujú ju.
- Vodka is a Merchant.
- Vodka is a level 4 trade good.
- Vodka is a consumable item in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Its only brand in-game is Extreme Crimson Premium Vodka.
- Vodka is a fiery alcoholic drink found in Mauristatia in the Old World, and is drunk in particular by the Mortani Gypsies. A shot of Mortani vodka will restore up to 3 stamina points, but on the first occasion after drinking it the player is asked to Test your Skill, they must temporarily reduce thier skill by 1 point for that particular roll.
- Vodka is the most powerful drink in the Mod; even a weak potency vodka has an alcoholicity of 4.38%, making drunkenness more than likely – fun when you're with your Hobbit (or Orc) friends, but not so good if you've got a battle coming up. However, ‘real men’ drink three mugs of aged vodka before a boss battle and use their bare hands to fight. While not recommended, this tactic has actually been proven successful. Vodka is also a good alcoholic drink to drink if you want to get the Alcoholic's Shield.
- Vodka is the official restaurant of Vladimir Lem. Its premises used to be the gothic nightclub Ragna Rock, but Lem buys and reopens it after he, according to him, put away his mobster mentality to settle down.
- Vodka is used in making cocktails and can be bought for 5 coins from Heckel Funch in the Grand Tree, who is located in the southeast corner of the second floor. He also sells a variety of other supplies like Brandy and Gin, or various fruits. When drunk it temporarily increases Strength 3-4 levels and heals 4 Hitpoints, but decreases Attack 3-4 levels.
- [[Soubor:Aparat.jpg|thumb|left|Moderní aparát na výrobu vodky je výroben v Leninových závodech ve městě Komsomolsk]] thumb|Ruští bohatýři po konzumaci vodky cvičí jógu Vodka je ruský národní nápoj, který Rusové od nepaměti popíjeli s velkou chutí, elánem a výdrží. Po vzniku SSSR se tato tradice udržela, jen se začalo pít více údernicky.
- Vodka signifie eau minérale en russe. Elle se consomme comme tel là-bas. Elle compte parmi ses adeptes Staline, Lénine, Raspoutine, Anastasia Roumanoff, les profs (ils sont tous de gauche) et Nicolas Sarkozy, arnaqué par Poutine lors du G8.
- La vodka cétrébon écé bon pour la santé toi pas ékouté médecin à toi qui dit que non car nous avoir casse c deux jambes maintenant
- Vodka, sometimes known as the nectar of communism, is one of the biggest threats to Freedom and Liberty It is very well known that Russians drink vodka. Russians equals USSR which equals communism which then leads to danger. The Truthiness of the matter is those Commie Art Loving bastards are almost as bad as Hollywood hating liberals that hate America and Americans - and freedom! Is there no way to free America from this Communistic curse? Of course there is: you must drink your Vodka... with a mixture of truth!
- Vodka, vodka, glorious vodka. So anyways, vodka is a malodorous substance exuded from exoticized Asiatic honeysuckle outside of the biosphere. Within the biome, there is an unusual negative force pulling all molecules in opposing directions. This causes gravity. The math involved is impossible, but is accepted by nearly all parasociologists.
- Vodka tai votka on kirkas ja tyypillisesti vahva väritön viina, jota nautiitaan erityisesti Venäjällä.
- thumbEl vodka es una bebida altamente alcohólica de origen ruso. Es una de las bebidas alcohólicas menos comunes y más caras de todo Fallout, junto al Vino.
- Vodka is a good exclusive to With Fire & Sword. It can be found in the marketplaces of Moscow, Pskov and Smolensk. However, unlike With Fire & Sword's wine and beer, vodka is used only for trading and does not affect party morale.
- Vodka är en populär alkoholdryck från Jorden. Robert Kinsey frågade Parker vad han hade och han svarade vodka och Kinsey valde ta en dryck och Kinsey tog en whisky. (SG1: "Full Alert") kategori:Drycker
- Vodka is a consumable item featured in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
- In 2263 of the alternate reality, after Doctor Leonard McCoy "found" a bottle of Glenfiddich in Pavel Chekov's locker, both McCoy and Captain James T. Kirk admitted they had assumed Chekov was "a vodka guy." (Star Trek Beyond) In the prime universe, vodka was Pavel Chekov's drink of choice. While drinking it aboard Deep Space Station K-7 in 2268, he was asked by Montgomery Scott when he was going to "get off that milk diet," adding that, in Scotland, vodka was referred to as "soda pop". (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles" )
- Vodka is used during Eadgar's Ruse. In the quest, players use vodka on the parrots' drinking water in Ardougne Zoo, along with Pineapple chunks. This is required to obtain a Drunk parrot, an item specific to the quest. It is also an item given by one of the Knights of the Round Table during King's Ransom.
- La vodka è un liquido simile all'acqua che ha la proprietà di scorrere nelle vene di ogni compagno russo, la cui percentuale dipende dall'albero genealogico. La sua gradazione è circa il 400%.
- Vodka Gobalsky is a member of the Black Guard, more specifically the Public Safety Sanitation and Containment Squad, appearing in Random Kingdom III. Together with several other soviet characters, he is tasked with the localization, identification and retrieval of "specially gifted youth", i.e. mutants, for the soviet government. At times, his unit has also been dispatched to contain outbreaks of artificially-created supersoldiers.
- Wikipedia Article About Vodka on Wikipedia Vodka is a typically colorless liquor, usually distilled from fermented grain or potatoes but also from other raw materials (see "Production" below). It is thought that the term is a diminutive of the Slavic word "voda" (woda, вода) for "water."
- Vodka is a distilled liquor. Vodka, one of the world's most popular liquors, is composed solely of water and ethanol with possible traces of impurities and flavorings. Vodka is made from any one of these fermented substances: grain, rye, wheat, potatoes, grapes, rice, or sugar beet molasses. Vodka’s alcoholic content usually ranges between 35 to 50 percent by volume; the standard Russian, Lithuanian, and Polish vodkas are 40 percent alcohol by volume (80 proof).
- In 2255 in an alternate reality, Cadet James T. Kirk brought a bottle of Stolichnaya vodka to Viktor Tikhonov, his rival at Starfleet Academy. (TOS - Starfleet Academy novel: The Gemini Agent) Vodka was one of Pavel Chekov's favorite beverages, and he took some good-natured ribbing from Montgomery Scott over his choice of drink. (TOS episode: "The Trouble with Tribbles") In 2370, Q sipped vodka in a holographic representation of the Black Sea at Night aboard the USS Enterprise-D, while observing Deanna Troi and Worf. (TNG novelization: All Good Things...)
- Anyway, it's a narcotic, radioactive, typically invisible gas, usually extracted from fermented pure vodkum (periodic element #35.) and is the most consumed by cats, although humans have been known to drink it in small quantities. Vodka usually has a vodka content ranging from 100% to 1000% vodka. Vodka is the basis of a number of popular inhalations, including the Bloody Zieg Hail Mary, the Red October, and the Vodka Martin. Vodka is also the national bird of Ghana, due to a misunderstanding during the Cold War.
- When consumed, Vodka raises strength by three levels at the expense of lowering attack by three. Drinking it is not advised since strength potions can provide a much larger boost without any side effects. Vodka is used during Eadgar's Ruse to make Alco-chunks. In the quest, players use vodka on the parrots' drinking water in Ardougne Zoo, along with Pineapple chunks. This is required to obtain a Drunk parrot, an item specific to the quest. When drunk, it temporarily increases the player's Strength level by 4, while decreasing Attack by the same amount.
- When consumed, Vodka raises strength by three levels at the expense of lowering attack by three. Drinking it is not advised since strength potions can provide a much larger boost without any side effects. Vodka is used during Eadgar's Ruse. In the quest, players use vodka on the parrots' drinking water in Ardougne Zoo, along with Pineapple chunks. This is required to obtain a Drunk parrot, an item specific to the quest. When drunk, it temporarily increases the player's Strength level by 4, while decreasing Attack by the same amount.
- Vodka is a rich gangster who appears in episode 174 of DBZ during the Cell Games Saga. He wears a fancy light-green suit and a light-green hat. Amazingly, he bears a great resemblance to Panputto's manager from episode 92 of the original Dragon Ball series. His two henchmen also resemble the two bodyguards that were with the manager in the very same episode. Despite he's the leader of the gang, he is actually quite stupid. He hires Tao Pai Pai to get the Dragon Balls so that he can wish for becoming emperor of the world after Cell leaves. However, Goku comes along and needs to have Vodka's Dragon Balls in order to revive all who were killed by Cell back to life. Tao Pai Pai and Vodka than give Goku a challange: if he can solve three key ring puzzles by the next day, they will give him thei